More Good News – MEA Has Secured Access to 15% Architecture Pay for Development Project Managers
As a follow up to our Eblasts from last week regarding a new Tentative Agreement with the City (click here for general contract information and here for special salary increase information for DPMs), MEA is pleased to inform you that DPMs will now also be eligible for a newly created “Registration Pay for Architects” that will only be available to Engineers, Project Officers and Development Project Managers.
This new 15% architecture registration pay will be available beginning July 1, 2021 to any DPM “who obtains and maintains an Architect License issued by the California Architects Board.” MEA knows that some DPMs have backgrounds in Architecture and/or have completed internship hours and testing, but have yet to complete the California licensure process. Well here is your incentive to do just that!
We hope this late-breaking development comes as more good news to many of you. This last minute addition to the Tentative Agreement comes courtesy of 1) a colleague of yours who reached out to MEA on this issue (never underestimate the power of one person speaking up!), 2) support from Mayor Todd Gloria and DSD management (feel free to thank the Mayor and Elyse Lowe the next time you see them), and 3) the good work of your Union – MEA.
Please contact MEA at or 619-264-6632 if you have any questions or need more information.