Meeting Announcement for Police Investigative Aides
As we continue to fight the injustice of the Mayor’s proposed budget cuts in the police department, all Investigative Aides are welcome and encouraged to attend a planning meeting on Monday, November 30 at 1:00 p.m. at MEA’s office located at 9620 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 203 in Kearny Mesa. The meeting will focus on preparations for the City Council public hearings on December 2, 7, and 14. As you are aware, the Mayor’s proposal is NOT the last word on this—all final budget decisions will be made by the City Council and we must communicate very clearly to the Council why the Mayor’s proposed cuts are not acceptable.
At the meeting on Monday, we will discuss what our strongest messages and themes should be for the Council meetings. Please bring any specific ideas, anecdotes, data, or anything else that you think could be translated into an effective message to Councilmembers that would help them reject the cuts proposed in your areas. Also, please bring any specific cost saving or cost recovery ideas you might have—especially from within the police department—that could be presented to the Council as an alternative to the Mayor’s proposed job cuts.
Thanks very much for your help and we hope to see you on Monday. Please give Gwen Phillips a call at 619-264-6632 if you have any questions or need further information before Monday.