Officers Election Update–Final Reminder!
Please remember to cast your ballot in the MEA Officers Election! Eligible MEA members should have received a ballot and candidate statements in the mail at their home address about a week ago. If you haven’t already done so, please mark your ballot and return it by mail today in the postage-paid “business reply mail” envelope provided with the ballot materials. All ballots must be delivered to the designated PO box at the post office by this Saturday, October 30, so mail your completed ballot today to ensure that your vote is counted!
Also, as a reminder, this MEA Officers election is decided by you the members, not the Board of Directors or anybody else. Accordingly, no candidate or group of candidates is “endorsed” by MEA or MEA’s Board, and no MEA funds are being spent on campaign materials in support of any particular candidate or group of candidates.
This is YOUR election so make sure your voice is heard and mail your ballot today!