
MEA keeps you informed of all the news and events that make a difference in your life. This section is always changing, so check it often.

GOOD NEWS – MEA Has Secured A 5% Special Salary Increase for Cashiers!

As a result of MEA’s existing two-year labor contract negotiated with the City last year, all MEA-represented employees are already scheduled to receive a 5% general salary increase on July 1, 2022. Our current contract also allows for a limited “reopener” to negotiate additional Special Salary Adjustments (SSAs) to become effective in the coming Fiscal Year, and MEA has reached an agreement with the […]


GOOD NEWS – MEA Has Secured A 5% Special Salary Increase for Claims Clerks!

As a result of MEA’s existing two-year labor contract negotiated with the City last year, all MEA-represented employees are already scheduled to receive a 5% general salary increase on July 1, 2022. Our current contract also allows for a limited “reopener” to negotiate additional Special Salary Adjustments (SSAs) to become effective in the coming Fiscal Year, and MEA has reached an agreement with the […]


GOOD NEWS – MEA Has Secured A 10% Special Salary Increase for Public Information Clerks!

As a result of MEA’s existing two-year labor contract negotiated with the City last year, all MEA-represented employees are already scheduled to receive a 5% general salary increase on July 1, 2022. Our current contract also allows for a limited “reopener” to negotiate additional Special Salary Adjustments (SSAs) to become effective in the coming Fiscal Year, and MEA has reached an agreement with the […]


GOOD NEWS – MEA Has Secured A 10% Special Salary Increase for Account Clerks and Senior Account Clerks!

As a result of MEA’s existing two-year labor contract negotiated with the City last year, all MEA-represented employees are already scheduled to receive a 5% general salary increase on July 1, 2022. Our current contract also allows for a limited “reopener” to negotiate additional Special Salary Adjustments (SSAs) to become effective in the coming Fiscal Year, and MEA has reached an agreement with the […]


Good News – “D Mileage” Reimbursement Rate Has Been Increased!

As a result of the dramatic rise in gas prices, MEA has been advocating for the City to increase D Mileage reimbursement rates immediately, even though our current labor contract does not expire until June 30, 2023.  Earlier this month, the City agreed to do just that, and this week the City Council gave final approval to a side letter […]


Important Prop B “Make Whole” Information – VIDEOS!

As previously announced, MEA and the City have reached an agreement that guides how affected active Prop B employees (initially hired by the City between July 19, 2012 and July 10, 2021) will have the opportunity to participate in the “make whole” remedy ordered by the Courts last year.  The remedy includes the opportunity to be placed into the City’s […]


GOOD NEWS – MEA Has Secured An Additional 5% Special Salary Increase for Grounds Maintenance Managers and Supervisors!

As a result of MEA’s existing two-year labor contract negotiated with the City last year, all MEA-represented employees are already scheduled to receive a 5% general salary increase on July 1, 2022. Our current contract also allows for a limited “reopener” to negotiate additional Special Salary Adjustments (SSAs) to become effective in the coming Fiscal Year, and earlier this week MEA reached an agreement […]


GOOD NEWS – MEA Has Secured An Additional 10% Special Salary Increase for Victim Services Coordinators!

As a result of MEA’s existing two-year labor contract negotiated with the City last year, all MEA-represented employees are already scheduled to receive a 5% general salary increase on July 1, 2022. Our current contract also allows for a limited “reopener” to negotiate additional Special Salary Adjustments (SSAs) to become effective in the coming Fiscal Year, and earlier this week MEA reached an agreement […]


GOOD NEWS – MEA Has Secured An Additional 10% Special Salary Increase for Court Support Clerks!

As a result of MEA’s existing two-year labor contract negotiated with the City last year, all MEA-represented employees are already scheduled to receive a 5% general salary increase on July 1, 2022. Our current contract also allows for a limited “reopener” to negotiate additional Special Salary Adjustments (SSAs) to become effective in the coming Fiscal Year, and earlier this week MEA reached an agreement […]