
MEA keeps you informed of all the news and events that make a difference in your life. This section is always changing, so check it often.

Message from MEA Attorney Ann M. Smith Re City’s Mandatory Vaccination Policy

Dear MEA Members: Please take a breath and spend a few minutes to read and digest the following information related to the City’s Mandatory Vaccination Policy. MEA recognizes that for over 80% of MEA-represented employees who are already fully vaccinated, this information will likely seem irrelevant — but we encourage you to read and understand it and then share it […]


On-Line Voting for the MEA Board of Directors Election for PUD is Now Open!

Electronic voting for MEA’s Board of Director Election for the Public Utilities Department is now open via MEA’s website.  Voting will continue through August 17th in order to ensure that members have ample time to vote. There are eleven candidates running for eight allotted seats for PUD.  Each of the candidates has written a statement of qualifications that you can […]


On-Line Voting for the MEA Board of Directors Election for Parks and Recreation is Now Open!

Electronic voting for MEA’s Board of Director Election for the Parks and Recreation Department is now open via MEA’s website.  Voting will continue through August 17th in order to ensure that members have ample time to vote. There are six candidates running for five allotted seats for Parks and Recreation.  Each of the candidates has written a statement of qualifications […]


Labor Contract, City Budget and Prop B Updates!

As the fiscal year winds down, we wanted to share updates with you regarding some key decisions the City Council made earlier this month. Council Approves MEA Labor Agreement (MOU) On June 8, the City Council approved the 2-year MOU that MEA members overwhelmingly ratified in May. The MOU goes into effect July 1.  Look for your initial 4% salary […]


Call for Nominations for MEA’s Board of Directors Election

MEA is seeking members to run in the upcoming MEA Board of Directors election. Newly elected Board members will take office in September 2021 for a two-year term. MEA is a MEMBER OWNED and MEMBER OPERATED organization. MEA has a tradition of robust participation and representation from our members, and that continued active involvement is critical to our success. So […]


Special Salary Adjustment Application Deadline is June 11,2021

Special Salary Adjustment (SSA) is a unique process whereby MEA, on behalf of members, can present relevant data and information to the Civil Service Commission to support the need for increasing the salary of a particular classification or series. The justification for an SSA is extremely narrow, and the relevant information needed is often anecdotal or directly pulled from employee […]


MORE GOOD NEWS – MEA Has Secured An Additional 15% Special Salary Increase for Building Maintenance Supervisors

As a follow up to MEA’s earlier E-Blast regarding contract negotiations, the Tentative Agreement (TA) MEA has reached with the City now also includes a 15% special salary increase for the Building Maintenance Supervisor job classification. Accordingly, Building Maintenance Supervisors will receive the following pay raises over the two-year term of this agreement: 4% (general salary increase) on July 1, 2021 7.5% (special […]


MEA Two-Year Labor Contract Overwhelmingly Ratified by MEA Members!

MEA’s new two-year Tentative Agreement (TA) has been approved by MEA members in the ratification vote just completed.  The TA will now be formally approved by the City Council in early June, and the contract will take effect this July 1, 2021.  The contract includes a 9% across-the-board salary increase for all MEA-represented employees (a 4% increase on July 1, […]


Reminder: MEA Contract Ratification Voting Ends Tuesday – If you Haven’t Already, Please Cast Your Vote Today!

As a follow up to our Eblasts last week regarding a new two-year Tentative Agreement with the City (click here for general contract information and here for instructions on the contract ratification vote), we just wanted to remind you that voting ends at 5:00 p.m. Tuesday, May 11.  If you have already voted you can disregard this reminder.  If you haven’t voted yet, please do so […]