
MEA keeps you informed of all the news and events that make a difference in your life. This section is always changing, so check it often.

MORE GOOD NEWS – MEA Has Secured An Additional 10% Special Salary Increase for Plan Review Specialists

As a follow up to MEA’s earlier E-Blast regarding contract negotiations, the Tentative Agreement (TA) MEA has reached with the City includes a 10% special salary increase for the Plan Review Specialist job classification series (Specialist I/II/III/IV, Principal, Supervising). Accordingly, if this TA is ratified by MEA’s membership, Plan Review Specialists will receive the following pay raises over the two-year term of this […]


MORE GOOD NEWS – MEA Has Secured An Additional 8% Special Salary Increase for Development Project Managers

As a follow up to MEA’s earlier E-Blast regarding contract negotiations, the Tentative Agreement (TA) MEA has reached with the City includes an 8% special salary increase for the Development Project Manager job classification series (DPM I/II/III and Supervising). Accordingly, if this TA is ratified by MEA’s membership, Development Project Managers will receive the following pay raises over the two-year term of […]


Negotiations and Budget Update, February 17, 2021

Dear MEA Members, We want to share a brief update on both the City budget and on negotiations for the new Memorandum of Understanding. January kicked off the upcoming budget season as Councilmembers submitted their priorities and the Department of Finance released the Mid-Year Budget Monitoring Report. It is not surprising that this is an extremely challenging time for budget discussions […]


Important Information About Retirement Board Election – Please Vote Today!

General City of San Diego employees have two employee representatives on the San Diego City Employees Retirement System (SDCERS) Board of Directors.  Voting is now open for new four-year terms for those two seats. If you were hired before July of 2012, you are a member of SDCERS and are eligible to vote.  If you are eligible to vote, SDCERS […]


Negotiations Update – January 25, 2021

Dear MEA Members, We hope you are well as we begin a New Year full of possibilities. Earlier this month, San Diego Superior Court Judge Richard Strauss agreed with us and our attorney, Ann Smith, that Proposition B was unlawful, invalid, and should be removed from the City Charter. And our new Mayor Todd Gloria repeatedly expressed his support for […]


Message from MEA Attorney Ann Smith: Prop B Pension Changes Finally Invalidated After 9-Year Legal Battle!

Dear MEA Members: It has finally happened . . . on Tuesday afternoon, January 5th, after a one-day (virtual) bench trial – with 100 pages of briefing having been filed in advance — the Honorable Richard E. L. Strauss of the San Diego County Superior Court spoke from the bench that he agreed with our legal analysis requiring the invalidation of the City’s […]



Todd Gloria Swears In MEA’s Officers At MEA’s November Board of Directors meeting, Mayor-Elect Todd Gloria administered the oath of office to MEA’s new Officers. Mayor-Elect Gloria recognized Greg Woods, Steve Ramirez, Michele Chicarelli, Sam Cerrato and Joe Miesner for their service to their Union and to the City of San Diego. The Officers will now begin a new two-year […]


MEA Opinion Piece On 101 Ash in Union-Tribune

MEA General Manager Michael Zucchet had an opinion article published in the San Diego Union Tribune today. The subject matter is the 101 Ash Street building controversy.  MEA took the opportunity to keep the focus on the terrible shape of City employee workplaces, and to call on the City to address the substandard condition of the City’s buildings and facilities.  Here is […]


Notice of MEA Officers Election

It is time once again for Officer elections at MEA. Officer positions are President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. Article V of MEA’s Bylaws details the rules that govern our Union’s elections. Those rules call for the announcement of procedures to be used to nominate Officer candidates each August in even numbered years. In order to qualify […]