
MEA keeps you informed of all the news and events that make a difference in your life. This section is always changing, so check it often.

FAQs Related to Flex Open Enrollment — Important Changes Please Read!

As you know, MEA’s new labor contract provided for significant increases to Flex allotments for those employees covering a spouse, children or their whole family on a health plan.  As open enrollment continues, we have received some questions related to the implementation of this plan and wanted to put out some frequently asked questions and answers for everyone. 1. What are the […]


Special Salary Adjustment (SSA) Application Deadline is June 22, 2020

MEA’s contract includes a process whereby SSAs that are recommended by the Civil Service Commission in FY 22 can be considered for implementation. The Civil Service Commission just released the application dates for this year’s SSA process, and the schedule is compact beginning with proposals due to the Personnel Department by mid-July. This means that MEA needs SSA applications from […]


MEA Members Vote to Overwhelmingly Support Labor Contract: One-Year MOU is Ratified and Will Take Effect on July 1

Thank you to all of the MEA members who took the time to vote on the one-year tentative agreement reached by MEA’s Negotiating Team.  We had a great turnout, especially for an online vote, and the contract was overwhelmingly ratified with a vote of 1,513 in favor and 54 opposed.  That amounts to a 96.5% YES vote to support the recommendation of MEA’s Negotiating Team. […]


Voting Technical Issues RESOLVED

MEA apologizes for the technical issues we experienced this morning with the ratification vote. If you tried voting unsuccessfully, please log out of the MEA website, log back in and you will now be able to vote.


MEA Contract Ratification Voting is NOW OPEN — Cast Your Vote Today!

As we announced last Wednesday, MEA’s Negotiating Team has reached a tentative agreement with the City for a new one-year labor contract (“MOU”).  Click here to read last week’s announcement and a summary of the tentative agreement. This tentative agreement must now be ratified by you, the members of MEA. Typically, our ratification process involves meetings at locations throughout the City and in-person […]


BREAKING NEWS: MEA Reaches Tentative Agreement With City On a New One-Year Labor Contract

In a special closed session meeting earlier today, the City Council approved a Tentative Agreement (TA) with MEA’s Negotiating Team for a new one-year Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for Fiscal Year 2021.  The TA represents a good outcome under the COVID-19-related circumstances which have dramatically reduced City’s tax revenues.  Your MEA Negotiating Team strongly recommends that you vote to accept this TA […]


MEA Contract Negotiations Update

On April 3, we updated you that as a result of COVID-19, labor contract negotiations were effectively on hold for much of March and the first week of April.  However, the Mayor and City Council returned to closed session regarding negotiations on April 7 and April 21, and MEA has been hard at work on a daily basis communicating with City […]


BREAKING NEWS: MEA Successfully Defeats City’s Attempt to “Furlough” Hundreds of City Workers Without Pay

As we previously updated you on Sunday, MEA filed a grievance against the City as a result of the instruction to hundreds of employees by e-mail or over the phone that, as of April 4th, they would no longer get paid unless they used their own accrued leave balances.  These employees are in Library, Parks and Recreation, City Treasurer, Transportation and Storm […]


MEA Files Urgent Grievance On Behalf of Employees Impacted by City’s Unlawful “Unpaid Furlough” Orders

On Friday, some employees in the Library, Parks and Recreation, Transportation and Storm Water and other City Departments were instructed to not show up for work on Monday. These employees were also told that, beginning Monday, they would not remain in a paid status unless they used their own annual leave. This amounts to an unpaid furlough or temporary layoff, […]