
MEA keeps you informed of all the news and events that make a difference in your life. This section is always changing, so check it often.

MEA Police Department Site Visit

Wednesday, October 23rd 11:30am Room 213 MEA members in the Police Department are invited to attend a Q & A discussion with MEA General Manager Mike Zucchet. Mike will provide information and updates on a variety of topics and respond to questions on any issue the group wishes to discuss. Lunch will be provided so please email Cathleen Higgins at chiggins@sdmea.org no […]


MEA Files Proposition B Invalidation Action

On July 16, 2019, MEA sent an E-blast from attorney Ann Smith about the next steps in the ongoing Court battle against Proposition B.  (Click here to review that blast.) In her message, Ann explained that the next step in the process was to await word from the Attorney General of California on whether MEA and the other City Unions would be granted […]


MEA ESD Site Visit

Tuesday, August 20th 12:00p to 1:00p Ridgehaven – First Floor Auditorium MEA members in the Environmental Services Department are invited to attend a Q & A discussion with MEA General Manager Mike Zucchet. Mike will provide information and updates on a variety of topics and respond to questions on any issue the group wishes to discuss. Lunch will be provided […]


Update Message From MEA Attorney Ann Smith Regarding Unions’ Efforts to Invalidate Prop B

Dear MEA Members: Over the last few months, much has happened in MEA’s legal fight against the City’s 2012 Proposition B ballot measure.  I wanted to explain in greater detail what has already happened and what is likely to happen next.  On many complicated legal issues – especially anything related to the Prop B litigation – when MEA sends out […]


Special Salary Adjustment (SSA) Application Deadline is July 8, 2019

MEA’s current MOU includes a 3.3% across-the-board salary increase in July 2019 that applies to all MEA-represented job classifications. The contract also includes a number of previously approved classification-specific Special Salary Adjustments (SSAs) that became effective in July 2018. In addition, several other SSAs approved by the Mayor and Council this Spring will take effect in July 2019 and April […]


MEA Board of Directors Election Scheduled

MEA is seeking members to run in the upcoming MEA Board of Directors election. Newly elected Board members will take office in September 2019 for a two-year term. MEA is a MEMBER OWNED and MEMBER OPERATED organization. MEA has a tradition of robust participation and representation from our members, and that continued active involvement is critical to our success. So […]


San Diego City Council Votes to Support MEA’s Effort to Invalidate and Remove Prop B Charter Language

After seven years of litigation and a unanimous California Supreme Court decision supporting MEA’s legal challenge to Prop B, the San Diego City Council on Monday voted 6-3 to end its defense of the illegal 2012 ballot measure and join the litigation seeking to strike the Prop B language from the San Diego City Charter. This vote represents a remarkable shift in the City’s legal and […]


MEA Member Site Visit for DSD Employees

Wednesday, May 29th 12:00p to 1:00p Conference Training Room 4 MEA members in the Development Services Department are invited to attend a Q & A discussion with MEA General Manager Mike Zucchet. Mike will provide information and updates on a variety of topics and respond to questions on any issue the group wishes to discuss. Lunch will be provided so […]


MEA Saves Shift Differential!

For over 30 years, MEA and the City have agreed in the way that Shift Differential is granted for dispatchers. Any dispatcher working at least 1 full night or split-shift rotation in a calendar year, receives Shift Differential for that full year. Dispatcher shift length and shift rotations have changed significantly over the last 30 years, but the rule has […]