
MEA keeps you informed of all the news and events that make a difference in your life. This section is always changing, so check it often.

State Appeals Court Issues Favorable Decision Today Rejecting City’s Arguments and Upholding Central Components of PERB’s Remedy in Prop B Case

Last Monday, the United States Supreme Court denied the City’s Petition seeking to reverse the California Supreme Court’s favorable ruling in our Prop B case. This denial means the California Supreme Court’s ruling that the City purposefully evaded its meet-and-confer obligations under state law is final and binding, together with its conclusion that Prop B was illegally placed on the […]


United States Supreme Court Rejects City’s Effort to Overturn Prop B Ruling

This morning, the United States Supreme Court DENIED the City of San Diego’s petition to review the “Proposition B” ruling issued last year by the California Supreme Court. The US Supreme Court’s denial of review means that last year’s unanimous decision of the California Supreme Court (see article here) stands as written.  The Court’s ruling that Proposition B was illegally […]


February Best Health Winners!!

It’s time to announce the winners of the $50 Best Health Wellness Rewards Visa Cards for February 2019! Congratulations to the following winners…. Ellyn- Library Angelica-Storm Water Reginald-Library Eorsa-Office of Homeland Security Michelle-PU Administrative Services We would like to thank all the participants and encourage you to keep striving to achieve your best health! Each month you participate you can […]


LMC Meeting Minutes, February 19, 2019

ATTENDANCE: Mike Hansen, Michael Prinz, Emerald Muz, Elyse Lowe, Jeff Robles, Afsaneh Ahmadi, Ryan Hay, Greg Hopkins, Leslie Sennett, Jonnabelle Dominguez, Franklin Coopersmith, Nick Wright, Cathleen Higgins MEETING TIME: 10:00 am LMC MINUTES: There were no minutes from the last meeting read. 101 ASH: Currently everything involving the 101 Ash project is on time and on budget. Currently looking at […]


City Employee Satisfaction Survey Reminder

Earlier this week, you should have received a communication from the City inviting your participation in the City’s Employee Satisfaction Survey. The deadline to participate is Tuesday, April 2, 2019. We strongly encourage you to participate in the survey. This is an opportunity to give direct voice to City employees and to be heard. Don’t miss this chance to tell […]


MEA is Now Accepting Applications for New Stewards

MEA is looking for hard working people who care about their fellow workers, are committed to standing up against injustices in the workplace and who are dedicated to keeping MEA strong and united. To be a MEA Steward you must be impartial, fair, objective and professional. Additional requirements include the ability to quickly grasp facts and to use this information […]


MEA Member Site Visit for City Attorney Employees

Wednesday, February 20th 12:00p to 1:00p 15th Floor Conference Room CCP MEA members in the City Attorney Department are invited to attend a Q & A discussion with MEA General Manager Mike Zucchet. Mike will provide information and updates on a variety of topics and respond to questions on any issue the group wishes to discuss. Lunch will be provided […]


Congratulations to MEA Attorney Ann Smith

Congratulations to MEA Attorney Ann Smith for being honored by the news website Voice of San Diego as one of 2018’s “Voices of the Year” in San Diego.  Ann was recognized for her victory in the California Supreme Court earlier this year on MEA’s litigation challenging the City’s 2012 Proposition B ballot initiative.  Congratulations to Ann for her well-deserved recognition! Click here to read […]


2018 MEA Officer Election Results

Congratulations to MEA’s newly elected 2018-2020 Officers: President: Greg Woods First Vice President: Steve Ramirez Second Vice President: Francine Howell Treasurer: Sam Cerrato Secretary: Joseph Miesner The Officers were sworn in at MEA’s December Board meeting with City Council President Pro Tem Barbara Bry delivering the oath of office.  The Officers will serve a two-year term.  Thank you to all […]