
MEA keeps you informed of all the news and events that make a difference in your life. This section is always changing, so check it often.

City Council Gives Final Approval for Infrastructure Premium Pay for Engineering Services!

MEA is pleased to announce that the City Council voted unanimously this morning to approve the tentative agreement between the City and MEA to provide new “Infrastructure Premium Pay for Engineering Services.”  With today’s vote, the terms of this tentative agreement are now final and have the necessary legislative approval for implementation. As we had previously announced in June when […]


Sharp Health Plan Flu Shot Information

Sharp Health Plan covers the flu shot for enrollees under your preventive care services at no additional charge. Here’s what you can do to get vaccinated today.  Your primary care physician Contact your primary care physician (PCP) to schedule an appointment and get your flu shot. You can find your PCP’s contact information on your member ID card. No copayment […]


And the July 2018 Winners Are….

It’s time to announce the winners of the $50 Best Health Wellness Rewards Visa Cards for July 2018. Congratulations to the following winners…. Judith-Environmental Services Refuse Stephanie-Police Laurie-Police Angelina-Police Lisa-Police Matthew-Police Kristen-Engineering & Capital Projects Anna-Community Parks Debra-SDFD-Fire Rescue Michelle-PU Administrative Services Kristin-Police Marisela-Police Heather-Police Enrique-Police Kevin-Police The winners of the $200 Best Health Wellness Visa Card for the end […]


And the June 2018 Winners Are….

It’s time to announce the winners of the $50 Best Health Wellness Rewards Visa Cards for June 2018. Congratulations to the following winners…. Diedre-City Attorney Sylvia-Streets Vivian-Police Eric-Police James-Police Luke-Police Christina-Real Estate Assets Javier-Facilities Maintenance Brandy-Police Jesse-Police Scott-Police Elena-Office of Sustainability Jolene-City Treasurer Phet-Police Toni-Special Events We would like to thank all the participants and encourage you to keep striving […]


Court-Ordered Notice In City Overtime Case

Dear City Employee: A federal court-ordered Notice is on its way to thousands of City employee homes today thanks to the efforts of MEA attorney Ann Smith.  The distribution of this Notice was ordered by U. S. District Judge Curiel in response to Ann’s motion and the Judge has approved the information you’re being given about your right to join […]


And the May 2018 Winners Are…

It’s time to announce the winners of the $50 Best Health Wellness Rewards Visa Cards for May 2018. Congratulations to the following winners…. Phet-Police Berna-Police Toni-Special Events Edwin-Police Vivian-Police Eric-Police Scott-Police Luke-Police Maryam-Engineering & Capital Projects Javier-Facilities Maintenance Danielle-Police Shaun-Development Services Administration Brandy-Police Jesse-Police James-Police We would like to thank all the participants and encourage you to keep striving to […]


Notice of MEA Officers Election

It is time once again for Officer elections at MEA. Officer positions are President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. Article V of MEA’s Bylaws details the rules that govern our Union’s elections. Those rules call for the announcement of procedures to be used to nominate Officer candidates. In order to qualify as a candidate for MEA […]


California Supreme Court Rules in Favor of MEA on Proposition B!

This morning, the California Supreme Court reversed the decision of the Fourth District Court of Appeal on Proposition B, finding that the City violated the law when it placed Prop B on the ballot in 2012. The Supreme Court found that the Court of Appeal 1) failed to give the Public Employment Relations Board (PERB), which had previously ruled in […]