
MEA keeps you informed of all the news and events that make a difference in your life. This section is always changing, so check it often.

Sharp Health Plan: Out of Area Care

Are you enrolled in Sharp Health Plan and need out-of-area care? Here’s what you need to know about getting out-of-area care. You are covered for emergency room and urgent care services outside the San Diego and Riverside county area. You or someone acting on your behalf should notify us or your doctor within 48 hours if you are admitted to […]


Don’t skip these 6 places when applying sunscreen

By now, we’ve all heard the importance of applying sunscreen daily. One in five Americans will develop skin cancer during their life, and this is directly related to a lifetime of cumulative ultraviolet (UV) light exposure. “One of the best ways to protect your skin from the sun is to apply sunscreen. However, while most of us remember to cover […]


Aflac Group Enrollment is Now Open!

When my husband was diagnosed with Stage 5 Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD), our world came tumbling down.  The fear of losing him and keeping up with our bills overwhelmed me.  While at the hospital he told me to call his AFLAC agent.  His agent was amazing, he walked us through every step, which was incredibly fast!  10 days later we […]


Have you submitted your Aflac Wellness claims?

Over the last 3 months, Aflac has paid city employee policyholders over $47,000 in wellness benefits. Many people forget that they have this benefit, so we want to ensure our members receive all their eligible benefits. Aflac wellness benefits are designed to provide policyholders with a cash incentive to see your doctor. Here are common exams eligible for wellness benefits: […]


Update for Employees Who Formally Worked in the Executive Complex (1010 Second Avenue)

Update for Employees Who Formally Worked in the Executive Complex (1010 Second Avenue) A Brief History When the City informed MEA on January 26, 2018 that an asbestos test conducted at the Executive Complex by inspectors for the County’s Air Pollution Control District (APCD) had come back positive, the City’s initial plan was to remove only those employees near the […]


MEA Announcement:

MEA Announcement: Selected Members – Forensic Science Labor Management Committee (LMC) The votes are in and selections have been made! We would like to announce the following seven members who will be representing various concentrations and classifications across the Forensic Science Section (PD Crime Lab): Tami Ballard Criminalist II, Biology Jodi Brown Criminalist II, Chemistry Tony Dao Laboratory Technician, Biology […]


MEA Seeking Volunteers to Serve on a Labor Management Committee (LMC) for the Forensic Science Section (Police Department Crime Lab) – Get Involved to Help Make a Difference!

As a follow up to concerns raised by employees and after discussions with Assistant Chief Guaderrama, management has agreed that a Labor Management Committee (LMC) for the Crime Lab would help improve communication and provide a forum to discuss issues in a safe, non-adversarial environment. MEA and the Police Department have participated in an LMC within the Communications Division for […]



IMPORTANT MESSAGE FROM MEA FOR EMPLOYEES WORKING IN EXECUTIVE COMPLEX (1010 SECOND AVENUE) On Tuesday, you should have received a message from the City’s Chief Operating Officer Scott Chadwick explaining that the City is pursuing alternate work locations for employees at the Executive Complex (1010 Second Avenue).  Employees are directed NOT to report to work at their Exec Complex office […]