
MEA keeps you informed of all the news and events that make a difference in your life. This section is always changing, so check it often.

And the November 2016 Winners Are….

It’s time to announce the winners of the $50 Best Health Wellness Rewards Visa Cards for November 2016. Congratulations to the following winners…. Stephanie-City Comptroller Brittny-Police Rebecca-Library Jacqueline-Library Kevin-Police Michael-Transportation-Traffic Eng. Elizabeth-Equipment Operations Sandra-Development Services Administration Anne-Engineering & Capital Projects Catherine-PU Administrative Services Karyn-Human Resources Aleta- PU Administrative Services Julieanna-PU Water System Operations Hector-Special Events Cheryl-City Treasurer We would like […]


Holiday Pet Safety

The holidays are times of joy and celebration for everyone.  Make sure that the holidays are also safe for your pets (and avoid an emergency veterinary visit) by avoiding common toxins and hazards. Chocolate: While people find chocolate to be a sweet treat, it can actually be toxic to our pets.  The darker the chocolate, the less the pet needs to […]


Sharp Health Plan – Prescription Mail Order Services

We are excited to announce a new prescription mail order vendor for Sharp Health Plan members – CVS Caremark. CVS Caremark provides convenient and responsive service. For medicines you or your family members take regularly, the CVS Caremark Mail Service Pharmacy will deliver them to you – at no extra cost. Most mail order prescriptions are processed within two days, […]


New Flu Information from the CDC for 2016-2017

New Flu Information from the CDC for 2016-2017 Getting an annual flu vaccine is the first and best way to protect yourself and your family from the flu. The vaccination can reduce flu illnesses, doctor visits, and missed work and school. The flu vaccination is especially important for older people, young children, pregnant women and individuals with certain health conditions […]


Important Retirement Board Election Now Open – Please VOTE!

San Diego’s retirement system (SDCERS) is conducting an election for a seat on the SDCERS Board of Administration. MEA Board member Thomas Battaglia is running for the seat and we encourage you to vote for him! A mailing sent to eligible City employee voters is arriving this week at your home address. Votes can be cast either online or by […]


Important Retirement Board Election Information

San Diego’s retirement system (SDCERS) is conducting an election for a seat on the SDCERS Board of Administration.  MEA Board member Thomas Battaglia is running for the seat and we encourage you to vote for him! Tom is a Senior Budget Development Analyst in the Financial Management Department and he has been very actively involved on MEA’s Board of Directors […]


And the October 2016 Winners Are….

It’s time to announce the winners of the $50 Best Health Wellness Rewards Visa Cards for May 2016. Congratulations to the following winners…. Stephanie-City Comptroller Erin-Police Angelica-Storm Water Brittny-Police Christopher-Engineering & Capital Projects Rebecca-Library Jacqueline-Library Kevin-Police Michael-Transportation-Traffic Eng. We would like to thank all of the participants and encourage you to keep striving to achieve your best health! Each month […]


DSD LMC Update

The DSD/Planning/Code Enforcement LMC met on 10/18/2016 and discussed the following issues: The Committee was briefed on the new DSD OpenCounter Program obtained from the City’s Economic Development Department. The Zoning and Planning tool helps business owners understand where and under what conditions their business is allowed. This is a tool for the public and will be used for informational […]


MEA Officer Election Results

Congratulations to MEA’s newly elected 2016-2018 Officers: President: Greg Woods First Vice President: Steve Ramirez Second Vice President: Francine Howell Treasurer: Candi Mitchell Secretary: Sam Cerrato The Officers will serve a two-year term and will be sworn in at next week’s MEA Board meeting.  We would like to thank the many members who took the time to vote in the […]