
MEA keeps you informed of all the news and events that make a difference in your life. This section is always changing, so check it often.

MEA’s Prop B Court Filings

Please find electronic copies of MEA’s filings in the 4th District Court of Appeals related to the PERB/Proposition B case which can be downloaded by clicking on the links to the right. The main brief (“Prop B Brief”) is MEA’s response to the City’s challenge of the PERB decision about Prop B. The other brief (“Prop B Boling Response Brief”) […]


Summertime Pet Dangers

Can you believe that summer is here and that we are more than halfway through the year? As the temperature continues to rise, so does some common pet hazards. Click here for great tips on how pet owners can keep their furry friends healthy while avoiding some costly visits to the vet. MEA offers Nationwide Pet Insurance at discounted rates. Please click here for more details […]


6 Things to Know About Sunburns

We’ve all spent a little too much time under the scorching rays of the sun with too little sunscreen or other protection on. Because the skin’s reaction takes hours to develop, we don’t always realize that we are overcooked until it’s too late. When it comes to sunburns, there are many misconceptions about the effects of the sun on your […]


And the May 2016 Winners Are….

It’s time to announce the winners of the $50 Best Health Wellness Rewards Visa Cards for May 2016. Congratulations to the following winners…. Aleta – PU Administrative Services Roxanne – Police Cori – City Comptroller Patty – Neighborhood Code Compliance Amara – Public Utilities Theresa – PU Administrative Services Carrie – Police Wayne – PU Wastewater Collections Vivian – Police […]


Today is the Last Day of FY17 Active Open Enrollment

Today, June 30th, is the last day of FY17 Open Enrollment for active employees. All employees are required to log into OneSD/SAP and accept the disclosures for the FY17 benefit year. Even if you are not making any changes, you are still required to log in and accept the disclosures. Please contact MEA Benefits at 888.217.9175 with any questions related […]


Today is the Last Day of FY17 Retiree Open Enrollment

Today, June 30th, is the last day of FY17 Open Enrollment for retirees. If you are not making any changes you do not need to submit any enrollment forms. For online information about MEA plans please including plan documents and forms visit www.sdmea.org. Please contact MEA Benefits at 888.217.9175 with any questions related to Sharp Health Plan, MEA MetLife Dental, MEA VSP Vision, Aflac, […]


FY17 Active Benefits Start August 1, 2016

MEA would like to remind all employees that your health, dental and vision plans are prepaid and are effective from August 1 to July 31 each year. Any changes made during this year’s open enrollment do not take effect until August 1, 2016. The City will begin deducting for the new plan year in the pay period ending July 15, 2016 […]


FY17 Retiree Benefits Start August 1, 2016

MEA would like to remind all retirees that your health, dental and vision plans are prepaid and are effective from August 1 to July 31 each year. Any changes made during this year’s open enrollment do not take effect until August 1, 2016. SDCERS will begin deducting for the new plan year on the July retirement check for August coverage. Your […]


Aflac Group Critical Illness Plan

According to the American Cancer Society, more than 1.6 million Americans will be diagnosed with cancer this year. According to the Heart Foundation, someone suffers a heart attack every 34 seconds in the U.S. Do you still think it will not happen to you or a family member? Beating a critical illness can be tough enough, but it’s tougher when […]