
MEA keeps you informed of all the news and events that make a difference in your life. This section is always changing, so check it often.

Open Enrollment Starts Today!

FY17 Open Enrollment starts June 14th and ends June 24th. MEA benefits staff will be available Monday through Friday 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM via the MEA Benefits Line at 888-217-9175. Please note that during the enrollment period MEA receives a very high volume of calls and there may be a long wait time. Our system does allow you to hold […]


Special Salary Adjustment (SSA) Application Process – Deadline Approaching!

MEA’s recently adopted four-year labor contract includes across-the-board flex and salary increases that apply to all MEA-represented job classifications. In addition, a number of previously approved classification-specific “Special Salary Adjustments” (SSAs) were included to become effective on July 1, 2018. MEA’s contract includes a process whereby additional SSAs that are approved by the City’s Civil Service Commission in FY 2017 or 2018 […]


Your July 15 City Paycheck Will Be Different Because of the Calendar!

We are aware that the City has sent out a notice regarding your July 15th paycheck.  Unfortunately, we have heard from a number of employees that the City’s email was confusing and convoluted.  Hopefully the following explanation about your July 15th paycheck (which covers the pay period ending July 1, 2016) will make more sense. Because of an anomaly in the calendar […]


DSD/Planning/Code Enforcement Labor Management Meeting Update

Meeting minutes for May 17, 2016: Building update: On May 25, the City Council Budget and Government Efficiency Committee heard the presentation on the new DSD Fee Proposal. As part of the Fee Proposal, 13% of the proposed fees will cover the cost of moving staff out of COB, and will provide for ongoing revenue for rent on a new […]


MEA Primary Election Endorsements

MEA has endorsed the following candidates and propositions: City of San Diego Mayor: Kevin Faulconer City Attorney: Gil Cabrera City Council District One: Barbara Bry City Council District Three: Chris Ward City Council District Five: Mark Kersey City Council District Seven: Justin DeCesare City Council District Nine: Ricardo Flores Yes on Proposition I Please feel free to contact MEA with […]


Communications Department Labor Management Committee (LMC) Meeting Update

Attendees: Katie Keach, Alex Handy, Cathleen Higgins (MEA Representative), Scott Robinson, Lisa Goehring, Erik Hansen (Human Resources Representative) Agenda Items: Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Scott Robinson discussed the potential need for certain employees in the department to have personal protective equipment (hard hats, safety goggles, reflective vests, steel toed shoes) as a requirement for specific construction sites as it relates […]


DSD LMC Update

The DSD Labor Management Committee (LMC) met on March 15, 2016 and discussed the following: A selection committee was formed for the department’s Rewards and Recognition Program in accordance with the new Administrative Regulation. The announcement regarding the members of the Selection Committee was made to all staff shortly after the LMC meeting. Please contact your DSD LMC members with […]


Reminder: MEA’s Supplemental Tuition Reimbursement Program

In September, MEA announced the creation of a new MEA-sponsored program to assist our members with the costs of continuing education tuition and training. The purpose of MEA’s Supplemental Tuition Reimbursement Plan is to augment the City’s current tuition reimbursement program, which currently limits reimbursement to $1,000 per fiscal year for tuition or $500 per fiscal year for job-related training […]