
MEA keeps you informed of all the news and events that make a difference in your life. This section is always changing, so check it often.

Flexible Benefit Cash Payout Changes Coming in July – Plan Your Personal Budgets Accordingly!

All City employees need to prepare for a major change coming this July in the way the City pays out Flex benefit cash. This will only affect employees who receive Flex cash payments because they don’t “spend” all of their Flex allotment on health benefits and/or 401(k) contributions. Currently this Flex cash is paid out to employees over the course of the […]


DSD LMC Update

The DSD LMC met in December and January and discussed the following: 1. Safety issues with the footbridge to the Parkade: Following the resurfacing of the foot bridge, the surface was slippery in some areas and caused a few people to slip and fall, resulting in injuries. A “test patch” was put down to evaluate for additional resurfacing. The whole […]


Message from Ann M. Smith re MEA’s Victory Before PERB Board in Continuing Legal Battle Over Prop B

Just as 2015 was taking its last gasps on December 29th, the Public Employment Relations Board (PERB) issued a 63-page, comprehensive decision in favor of MEA (and three other City unions) on their unfair practice case against the City over the so-called 2012 “pension reform” measure which became Proposition B.  Upholding the key findings and legal conclusions of the Administrative […]


MEA is Now Accepting Applications for New Stewards

MEA is looking for hard working people who care about their fellow workers, are committed to standing up against injustices in the workplace and who are dedicated to keeping MEA strong and united. To be a MEA Steward you must be impartial, fair, objective and professional. Additional requirements include the ability to quickly grasp facts and to use this information […]


MEA Children’s Party is Sunday, December 6th

Please join us at the MEA Children’s Party from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Sunday, December 6th at the The Boardwalk (1286 Fletcher Parkway, El Cajon, 92020). The day’s festivities will include pizza, drinks, wristbands for unlimited attractions and a visit from Santa. Tickets are on sale now at the MEA office (9620 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 203, 92123) for […]


Tentative Agreement Reached with Library Administration on Work Schedules- Vote for One Schedule

On Monday, October 26, 2015, MEA team members, Library Administration and City Human Resources representatives met to discuss the responses to the MEA survey. Fifty nine employees responded to the survey. The results were 41 were opposed to the alternate Fri/Sat schedule, 10 were in support and 8 were uncertain. Many thanks to the 59 employees who took the time […]


MEA Recommends YES Vote on SPSP Amendment Vote

By now you should have received communication from the City regarding a vote on proposed amendments to the Supplemental Pension Saving Plan (SPSP).  The SPSP amendments have been reviewed and agreed to by MEA.  There are no amendments that will reduce or impair the benefits of any participant, and some of the proposed changes will enhance existing provisions of SPSP […]


MEA Members Overwhelmingly Support New Four Year Contract

Thank you to all of the MEA members who took the time to vote on our contract which was ratified yesterday. We had a great turnout and the contract was ratified with 93.8% of MEA members voting “yes” to support the recommendation of MEA’s Negotiating Team. The next step in the process is for the City Council to formally adopt […]


Reminder: Contract Ratification Vote for MEA Members Is Thursday, October 15

MEA members are reminded to make your voice heard in our ratification vote on the new four-year tentative agreement announced last week.  The City will provide one hour of release time to vote (you must inform/coordinate that time with your supervisor).  The four voting locations and times are: Location 1: MEA’s Offices/Boardroom in Kearny Mesa 9620 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 203 […]