
MEA keeps you informed of all the news and events that make a difference in your life. This section is always changing, so check it often.

MEA News Re Flex Allotment, Health Insurance Rates, and Discretionary Leave Beginning July 1, 2015

MEA is pleased to report two pieces of good news related to the upcoming fiscal year. First, MEA’s contract once again provides you with 16 hours of discretionary leave for use during the new fiscal year beginning July 1. Second, our contract provides MEA-represented employees with a $1,180 increase in Flex dollars, bringing our total Flex allotment of $8,555 to spend for FY 16 when the […]


DSD LMC Update

Meeting notes from Tuesday, April 21, 2015: Staffing update: The FY 2016 budget has been released and was discussed at the City Council Budget Review Committee on May 6, 2016. There is a lot of good news in the budget, as it includes 21 new positions in the Enterprise Fund and 9 in the General Fund for a total of […]


MEA GM Mike Zucchet testifies at the City’s Budget Review Committee about recruitment and retention issues with dispatchers in PD

*Due to filtering restrictions on City computers, you might only be able to view this video on your home computer. We apologize for any inconvenience this might cause you in accessing the video.* This week, MEA General Manager Mike Zucchet testified before the City’s Budget Review Committee about the FY16 budget.  Mike discusses the City’s vacancy rate and how it’s […]


TAP passes are available to purchase starting today!

The Transportation Alternative Program (TAP) Fiscal Year 2016 Adult Regional ECO Annual Pass is available to purchase for a limited time beginning April 29, 2015 through May 15, 2015. The Annual Pass will cover ridership from July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016. Please Note: Payment for the FY 2016 Annual Pass must be made at the TAP Office downtown no […]


General Manager Mike Zucchet joins State and City leaders to support sick leave for hourly employees

On Friday, April 17th, MEA General Manager Mike Zucchet joined City Councilmembers Todd Gloria and Marti Emerald, along with State Assemblymember Lorena Gonzalez to announce the progress of a bill passed by the California State Legislature known as A.B. 1522, which allows all California workers to earn up to three sick days per year.  In the City of San Diego, […]


MEA Communication Opt In Options

When there are important political happenings and crucial local elections, MEA alerts employees using our website and newsletter.  However, the City limits MEA’s use of e-blasts to workplace-related issues (which is enumerated in Article 15 of our MOU). With some very important election decisions coming up in 2016 (which have the potential to greatly impact our members), we are reaching […]


DSD LMC Update

Meeting notes from the Friday, February 6, 2015 DSD LMC. Staffing update: The FY 2016 budget calls for additional positions while the department continues to fill current vacancies which would restore positions lost in the RIF of prior years. MEA requested that the department continue to monitor for recruitment and retention issues so that MEA can advocate for additional resources […]


Larger photos from MEA’s Holiday Party are now available online!

If you took photos in the photo booth at the MEA Holiday Party, and wanted larger prints, they are now available online! Please go to http://gallery.sandiegophotoboothrentals.net/Events/MEA-Holiday-Party-4×6/46367234_C9QWQB and use the password “mea” (all lower case letters). You can then look for your photos and print them out. We hope you had a wonderful time at the Holiday Party and we can’t wait to […]


MEA Children’s Party is Sunday, December 7th!

Please join us at the MEA Children’s Party from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Sunday, December 7th at the The Boardwalk (1286 Fletcher Parkway, El Cajon, 92020). The day’s festivities will include pizza, drinks, wristbands for unlimited attractions and a visit from Santa. Tickets go on sale on Monday, November 3rd at the MEA Office (9620 Chesapeake Drive, Suite […]