
MEA keeps you informed of all the news and events that make a difference in your life. This section is always changing, so check it often.

Hardcopies of Current MEA Contract (MOU) are Now Available

MEA is happy to announce that the City has finally delivered our printed MOU handbooks.  The printed MOUs codify what was already agreed to and ratified last year, however, it takes the City a significant amount of time to complete the process related to the printing of the booklets. An electronic version has been on MEA’s website (please note that […]


Information from a MEA Member Regarding Social Security Reductions

My name is Rosemarie Homan and I am a MEA member and have worked for the City for almost 26 years. A lot of people are not aware of certain pension laws that will affect them once they retire. For example, if you receive a pension from a federal, state or local government based on work where you did not […]


GOOD NEWS – You Are Getting A Well-Earned Pay Raise: MEA Secures 10% Special Salary Adjustment for Land Surveyors

In response to MEA’s advocacy and Mayor Kevin Faulconer’s recommendation, the San Diego City Council has voted to approve a 10% Special Salary Adjustment (SSA) for the Land Surveyor Series (Assistant, Associate and Senior) as well as Principal and Senior Survey Aides.  This SSA will be in addition to the 3.3% general salary increase called for under MEA’s MOU for this fiscal […]


DSD LMC Update

Your Labor-Management Committee met on Tuesday, January 21, 2014. It was the first meeting with newly appointed director Bob Vacchi. The following agenda items were discussed: Following the split with the Planning Department, DSD will undergo a small reorganization. The Department is requesting some additional management positions as a part of the reorganization. If approved, the new positions will be […]


Message From Ann M. Smith: City Surrenders On “Sub-Equal” Pension Litigation

After three years of litigation – with MEA opposing the City in court at every turn – the latest threat to City employee paychecks has ended in the City’s complete surrender.  There will be no change in how SDCERS determines what the City versus the employees must pay into the pension plan when investment losses occur.   The additional contribution burden which the City […]


Purchase of Service Credit (PSC) Update-Class Certification Denied-Opportunity for New Litigants to Join Our Case

As you know, MEA currently has a lawsuit filed against SDCERS for causes of breaches of fiduciary related to the purchase of service credit (PSC) “correction” process.  On October 31st, 2013, the Court denied Michael Conger’s motion to certify the case as a class action lawsuit.  Although this does not affect the 356 litigants who Ann Smith represents on behalf […]


MEA Endorses Nathan Fletcher for Mayor

The Board of Directors of the San Diego Municipal Employees Association has voted unanimously to endorse Nathan Fletcher for San Diego Mayor. MEA President Bob Cronk said: “Nathan is the clear choice to move San Diego forward. He has the ability to build coalitions and bring people together, which is exactly what our city needs right now. He respects city […]


DSD LMC Update

Your DSD LMC met on 7/16/13 with members of DSD management, including Interim Director Tom Tomlinson and new Planning Director Bill Fulton. We discussed the following subjects: 1. DSD Budget and Staffing: The health of the DSD budget supports increased staffing throughout the department at all levels. Management reported that many interview processes have taken place, or are about to […]


General Membership Meeting is July 18th! E

All MEA members and their families are invited to join us on Thursday, July 18th for our annual General Membership Meeting at the Balboa Park Club. We have a great evening planned with a drawing to win great prizes, a delicious dinner catered by Abbey’s Barbecue and activities for the children. Doors open at 5pm Dinner at 5:30pm Program at […]