
MEA keeps you informed of all the news and events that make a difference in your life. This section is always changing, so check it often.

On-Line Voting for MEA Negotiating Team is Now Open!

Electronic voting for MEA’s new Negotiating Team is NOW OPEN via MEA’s website! Voting will continue through 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, January 16th in order to ensure that members have ample time to vote. This is your opportunity to directly participate in one of the most important activities of MEA—selecting the team that will be negotiating the next contract that affects […]


The Passing of Judie Italiano

It is with sadness that we announce the passing of Judie Italiano, former President and General Manager of the San Diego Municipal Employees Association. Judie’s efforts throughout the years resulted in better pay and benefits for MEA represented employees.  Under her tenure, MEA’s profile and influence grew making it the largest labor union in the City today. To many City […]


MEA General Manager Mike Zucchet’s Interviews with Mayor Bob Filner, Councilmember Todd Gloria and Nathan Fletcher

MEA General Manager Mike Zucchet guest hosted the television version of The Roger Hedgecock Show on November 23 and from November 26-30. Mike was able to bring to the table a diverse point of view and several guests who had not previously been on the television show. Below are the interviews of Mayor Bob Filner, Councilmember Todd Gloria and Nathan […]


Hardcopies of our MOU are Now Available

MEA is happy to announce that the City has finalized our MOU handbooks.  The printed MOUs codify what was already agreed to and ratified, however, it takes the City a significant amount of time to complete the process related to the printing of the booklets. An electronic version has been on MEA’s website (please note that you must log in […]


Congratulations to MEA Member Racquel Vasquez on Being Elected to the Lemon Grove City Council!

We are happy to announce that MEA member Racquel Vasquez has been elected to the Lemon Grove City Council. She will be sworn in on December 4th and has invited her fellow MEA members to join her at this event. For more information, please feel free to download the flyer to the right. Congratulations again Racquel! Swearing In Ceremony Information


MEA General Manager Mike Zucchet to Guest Host The Roger Hedgecock Show!

Yes, you read that correctly…Roger Hedgecock is going on vacation and apparently is looking for his political opposite to co-host the show in his absence! Mike will guest host the television version of The Roger Hedgecock Show on November 23 and during the week of November 26-30.  The show airs live each day from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon on […]


Election Results

We would like to thank the many members who took the time to vote in the online 2012 MEA Officer Election. Congratulations to MEA’s newly elected Officers: President: Bob Cronk First Vice President: Greg Woods Second Vice President: Jan Lord Treasurer: Candi Mitchell Secretary: Lisa Goehring The Officers will serve a two year term and were sworn in at the […]


DSD LMC Update

The DSD Labor-Management Committee met on October 23, 2012. The following issues were discussed: 1. Hiring Freeze and impact to the department – The hiring freeze has been lifted. The department has hired or is in the process of hiring for various positions throughout the department. 2. Status of Building Improvements – Kelly Broughton informed us that $70,000 has been […]


On-Line Voting for MEA Officers is Now Open!

Electronic voting for MEA’s Officer election is now open via MEA’s website!  Voting will continue through October 26th in order to ensure that members have ample time to vote. The strength of MEA depends on the active involvement of members like you, and voting in MEA elections is an important aspect of Union participation…so please cast your vote today! Please click here to […]