
MEA keeps you informed of all the news and events that make a difference in your life. This section is always changing, so check it often.

Update Regarding MEA’s PERB Challenge to Prop. B and MEA Website Updates

Update Regarding MEA’s PERB Challenge to Proposition B As you know, in July the Public Employment Relations Board (PERB) held a hearing on MEA’s Unfair Practice Charge (UPC) challenging the City’s failure to meet and confer with MEA over the Comprehensive Pension Reform (CPR) ballot initiative (Proposition B).  Based on Mayor Sanders’ entire course of conduct with regard to Proposition […]


Help Elect Bob Filner and Defeat Carl DeMaio!

As you know all too well, this mayoral election could have some of the most far reaching impacts to City employees.  We need to do everything we can to support Bob Filner who has unequivocally stood behind  public workers both in his words and actions. Although Carl DeMaio has a great deal of money to fund his negative campaign, we […]


DSD LMC Update

The DSD LMC met on 8/21/12 after a long break due to MEA Representative Marin Mejia’s maternity leave. The following issues were discussed: 1. PRS Counter Services Restructuring: MEA has contacted all the PRS’s via email to ask for feedback regarding Management’s proposal to restructure the PRS counter services once again. A meeting has been scheduled for 9/21/12 at 1:00 […]


DSD Counter Services Restructuring

MEA has been informed by Labor Relations that DSD is proposing to once again restructure the Counter Services. The department has indicated that staff has requested the ability to specialize in zoning review by separating zoning review from the other PRS review duties. Management says this ability to specialize will allow existing staff to concentrate within their specialized areas. Management’s […]


Notice of MEA Officer Election

It is time once again for Officer elections at MEA. Article V of MEA’s Bylaws detail the regulations that govern our union’s elections. Those regulations call for the announcement of procedures to be used to nominate candidates. If you qualify and would like to run for office, please contact MEA at 619.264.6632 and we will send you a nominating petition. […]


Member Statement on CA Proposition Ballot 37

MEA retiree Josie Hill has written the following statement regarding upcoming California Ballot Proposition 37. She worked as a chemist for the City of San Diego for more than 2 decades and retired in 2005. Josie is both knowledgeable and passionate about the issue and MEA was happy to pass on her statement regarding the ballot proposition. Labeling our foods’ […]


Special Salary Adjustments, New Classes and Title Changes. Deadline is Monday, August 20, 2012

The City Charter provides that unions or departments may bring forward requests for special salary adjustments, new classes and title changes to the Civil Service Commission. In accordance with MEA’s current MOU which will expire on June 30, 2013, MEA may bring such requests to the Commission during the current fiscal year in anticipation of having any changes recommended by […]


MEA’s Complimentary General Membership Meeting is Thursday, July 19th!

All MEA members and their families are invited to join us on Thursday, July 19th for our General Membership Meeting at the Balboa Park Club (2144 Pan American Road West, 92101). We have a great evening planned with a drawing to win great prizes, activities and crafts for the children, a delicious dinner catered by Abbey’s Barbeque and guest speakers […]


Golden SHARE Available through Program’s Website

Golden SHARE is a non-profit organization that offers a variety of food at a substantially reduced cost. Although MEA does not host a specific pick up site, the program is still available to you at various locations throughout San Diego County. Please visit Golden SHARE’s website at www.goldensharefoods.com or call 619-590-1692 for menu information, pick up locations and the dates and times. […]