
MEA keeps you informed of all the news and events that make a difference in your life. This section is always changing, so check it often.

New Election Opportunity for Retiree Health Options Due to Contribution Rate Changes

As you are aware, the new Retiree Health benefit for health-eligible employees included three options (A, B and C).  Employees made their “irrevocable” option selection earlier this year.  However, despite the tax advice from the City’s outside counsel which had influenced the negotiations over the Option A and B employee contribution rates, the City has subsequently determined that the CalPERS […]


GM Mike Zucchet Debates Proposition B on Behalf of MEA Employees on TV and Radio

As you know, MEA is working hard to defeat Proposition B (the “Comprehensive Pension Reform” initiative) on the legal front.  (Click here for the latest update on MEA’s Public Employment Relations Board unfair labor practice charge.)  At the same time, we continue to actively engage the proponents in the public arena in advance of the election.  On Monday, MEA General Manager debated […]


Breaking News from Ann Smith Regarding Pension Ballot Initiative — Setback for City at Court of Appeal

Dear All: As you know, in January, MEA filed an unfair practice charge (UPC) against the City with the Public Employment Relations Board (PERB) challenging the City’s failure to meet and confer with MEA over the Comprehensive Pension Reform (CPR) ballot initiative (Proposition B).  Based on Mayor Sanders’ entire course of conduct with regard Proposition B, the thrust of MEA’s […]


Results of the Branch Library Schedule Vote

Thank you to everyone who took the time out of their busy work day to review and vote on the branch library schedule.  The proposal was overwhelmingly supported by 86% of those who voted.  The new schedule will take effect on May 26th.  In the meantime, if you have any questions about the reinstatement of library hours, please email MEA […]


FY 2013 Contract Ratified by MEA Members

Thank you to MEA members who took the time to vote on our contract which was ratified yesterday. We had a great turnout and the contract was overwhelmingly ratified with 98% voting “yes” to support the recommendation of MEA’s Negotiating Team. The next step is for the City Council to formally adopt the resolution. We will let you know as […]


MEA Reaches Agreement on Reinstatement of Library Hours and Recommends Approval

We are pleased to announce that Library Administration and MEA have reached an agreement on a Branch Library schedule. Library Administration agreed to the proposal put forth by a majority of staff who responded to MEA’s April 11, 2012 survey. We are sending the schedule out to you for your review. Please download and review the attachment on the upper […]


MEA Member Contract Ratification Vote Set for Wednesday, April 25th!

Your MEA Negotiating Team has reached a tentative agreement with City negotiators on a new Fiscal Year 2013 contract.  The Negotiating Team is unanimously recommending support of the deal by MEA members at a ratification vote which will take place on Wednesday, April 25th. Employees are allowed one hour of City-paid release time in order to vote. Attached for your […]


Reinstatement of Hours Survey for MEA-Represented Library Department Employees

MEA is in receipt of a letter from the Labor Relations Office indicating that the Mayor and City Council approved funds to restore five hours a week at branch libraries throughout the City starting this fiscal year. The FY 2012 mid-year budget adjustment includes a $237,000 adjustment to reinstate hours of operation from 36 hours a week to 41 hours […]


MEA Negotiating Team Reaches Tentative Agreement With City on New Contract

Your MEA Negotiating Team has reached a tentative agreement with City negotiators on a new Fiscal Year 2013 contract.  The Negotiating Team is unanimously recommending support of the deal by MEA members at a ratification vote that will likely be scheduled for next week. As previewed in our previous negotiations update, the City’s position has remained consistent that nothing more […]