
MEA keeps you informed of all the news and events that make a difference in your life. This section is always changing, so check it often.

MEA Officers Update

MEA President Tony Ruiz has decided to step down from his office due to personal reasons. He will maintain an active role at MEA and continue to serve on the Board of Directors, but Tony determined that it was best for his family and for MEA to step away from the office of President. Tony has served on MEA’s Executive […]


Fiscal Year 2013 Contract Negotiations Update

On March 6, your MEA Negotiating Team exchanged initial offers with the City for a one-year contract for FY 2013. The City’s offer essentially amounted to a “status quo” proposal in terms of compensation – meaning the reductions implemented in 2009 remain in effect. The City’s offer also included the elimination of the SPSP waiver option because of the IRS […]


Pension Ballot Initiative Update

As you know, the June 2012 ballot measure known as Comprehensive Pension Reform (“CPR”) is bad policy for the City of San Diego and bad policy for City employees. The authors of the initiative, including Mayor Jerry Sanders and Councilman Carl DeMaio, propose a number of City Charter changes related to pensions that would take our City and its workforce […]


Bob Filner: Standing Up for City Employees

MEA-endorsed mayoral candidate Bob Filner spoke the following words at a recent event. Unlike other mayoral candidates who have blamed, vilified and/or attributed the City’s financial woes to public employees, it is refreshing to know that not only does Bob not blame you, but he actually recognizes and values the public services that you provide on a daily basis! This, […]


Labor Representation Quarterly Overview, October-December 2011

67 new cases were opened for this quarter (23 in October, 26 in November and 18 in December). If you or anyone you know is retiring soon, please contact Risk Management regarding insurance you may wish to convert to a private policy. We have a member who recently retired and was rejected by the life insurance company because she did […]


California Public Employment Relations Board Agrees with MEA’s Unfair Labor Charge Against the City Regarding the CPR Ballot Initiative!

Late Friday, the State Public Employment Relations Board (PERB) issued a ruling (attached) supporting MEA’s unfair labor practice charge against the City of San Diego related to the Comprehensive Pension Reform (“CPR”) ballot initiative currently slated for the June ballot. (You can read the original complaint filed by MEA here.) In its ruling, PERB agreed with MEA’s allegation that this so-called […]


Know Your Rights, First Quarter of 2012

The Family-School Parternership Act We can all agree that education is a crucial component to our children’s long term success. As parents, we continue to find ways to help our kids grow and develop with everyday activities like helping them with their homework, driving to and from school activities and supporting their scholastic interests. Unfortunately, demanding and often hectic work […]


Legal Report, First Quarter of 2012

MEA Attorney Ann Smith and General Manager Mike Zucchet have yielded their space in this quarter’s publication so that we could re-print portions of MEA’s unfair practice charge with the State’s Public Employee Relations Board (PERB) related to the proposed “Comprehensive Pension Reform” Initiative against the City of San Diego. MEA is asserting that the initiative is not merely a […]


President’s Message, First Quarter of 2012

It is hard to believe that 2011 has already passed so quickly. I remember sitting down to write the President’s Message for the start of 2011 and listing some of the challenges and battles which would likely come with the start of the new year. I jotted down cuts to City services in order to address the budget shortfall, Carl […]