
MEA keeps you informed of all the news and events that make a difference in your life. This section is always changing, so check it often.

17th Annual Adopt a Senior Event

For the 17th year in a row, MEA’s Adopt-A-Senior Committee put on another special event for 50 deserving Park and Recreation Department senior volunteers. Special guest Councilmember Todd Gloria took a great deal of time to acknowledge and applaud this special group of seniors for their countless contributions to the City of San Diego. Senior volunteers field calls and assist […]


Supporting One Another During Tough Times

2011 was a year of some ups and downs for us all. For two special families, the challenges were immense but so was the love and support they received from their family and friends. MEA member Sarah Johnston and her husband Frank were eagerly expecting the arrival of their first baby when Frank (32 years old) had a heart attack. […]


MEA Files Unfair Practice Charge Against the City Re CPR Ballot Initiative

Attached is MEA’s unfair practice charge with the State’s Public Employment Relations Board (PERB) related to the proposed “Comprehensive Pension Reform” Initiative against the City of San Diego. MEA is asserting that the initiative is not merely a “citizen’s” ballot initiative, but rather an initiative proposed and sponsored by Mayor Jerry Sanders, which effectively makes it a City-sponsored initiative that […]


FAQ Sheet on Retiree Health Option C

As discussed in our message dated January 5th (please click here to read message), we are distributing the frequently asked questions (FAQs) sheet published by the San Diego City Employees Retiree Medical Trust (SDCERMT) regarding the Retiree Health Option C. In addition, the SDCERMT has a website which can be accessed by clicking on the link http://sdrmt.retireetrust.com We hope that the attached FAQ sheet and website will be […]


Additional Information Regarding the New “Option C” Retiree Medical Plan

In advance of the February 1 deadline for eligible employees to select one of the three new Retiree Health options, the San Diego City Employees Retiree Medical Trust (SDCERMT) will be hosting six informational meetings in order to answer questions regarding the administration of the Option C Plan. The meetings will take place in the large conference room of the […]


Members Vote on the Managed Competition Ratification Guide

Thank you very much to those of you who took time from your busy day on September 21st to vote on the Managed Competition Guide Ratification. Nearly 600 MEA members came to the Silver Room downtown or MEA’s offices in Kearny Mesa to vote, with 96% of you voting “yes” to ratify the tentative agreement recommended by your negotiating team. […]


Media Clips Discussing MEA’s Legal Challenges to the “Pension Reform” Initiative

In MEA’s ongoing effort to keep you apprised of any Sanders/DeMaio “pension reform” ballot updates, we are sending you three recent video clips related to the proposed initiative. Please click on the following link http://granicus.sandiego.gov/MediaPlayer.php?view_id=3&clip_id=5035 to watch MEA General Manager Mike Zucchet’s testimony before the City Council where he reasserts that the City is required to meet and confer over the contents […]


MEA Negotiating Team Election Results

Thank you to those of you who took the time to vote in the recent online MEA Negotiating Team election.  We hope that you found the online voting option more convenient during your busy workday.  We are also happy to report that online voting saved thousands of dollars in postage and printing costs. All of the ballots have been tallied […]


Retiree Health Option Selection Information

*Due to the filtering restrictions on City computers, the following three videos can only be viewed on home computers. We apologize for any inconvenience this might cause you in accessing the videos.* The final implementation steps of the new retiree health benefit agreement are in progress, including the selection process for employees to choose one of the three benefit options.  […]