
MEA keeps you informed of all the news and events that make a difference in your life. This section is always changing, so check it often.

Message from Ann M. Smith Re CA Supreme Court’s Recent Determination Related to a Detrimental Change in Health Benefit Costs for Orange County’s Retirees

Dear ALL: You may have read or heard recently that the California Supreme Court has made a determination related to retiree health benefits for Orange County retirees.  As a result, you may have new questions or concerns – or even some confusion – over what this determination means about the agreement MEA reached with the City related to active employees’ […]


On-Line Voting for MEA Negotiating Team Now Open!

Electronic voting for MEA’s new Negotiating Team is NOW OPEN via MEA’s website!  Voting will continue for two weeks through 5:00 p.m. on Friday, December 9 in order to ensure that members have ample time to vote.  This is your opportunity to directly participate in one of the most important activities of MEA—selecting the team that will be negotiating the […]


Know Your Rights, 3rd Quarter of 2011

With summer upon us, many employees will be taking time off to enjoy a little respite from work. It’s not always easy for employees in classifications which call for work to be performed seven days a week to get the necessary time off. Please keep in mind, however, that our MOU allows those employees to exchange days off with employees […]


Bullying in the Workplace: When Rainy Days and Mondays Do More Than Get You Down

After a sunny and relaxing weekend in San Diego, most of us aren’t overly excited to return to work on Monday (especially when presented with the option of sleeping in or enjoying yet another free day outdoors). Though for some employees, the very thought of starting each work week brings about a great deal of anxiety and trepidation. This stress […]


Labor Representation Quarterly Overview, April-June 2011

There were a total of 32 cases opened in the months of April and May (June totals were not yet available at the time of print). There have also been a number of grievances, fact findings and disciplinary actions. During the second quarter, Labor Representatives have been busy with Dispatchers Week, Purchase of Service Credit meetings, phone calls, budget hearings, […]


General Manager’s Report, Third Quarter of 2011

You can say a lot of things about the state of affairs in the City of San Diego, but at least you have to admit that we live in interesting times. The fiscal year that just ended on June 30 was no different. One year ago we were concerned about a variety of significant uncertainties, from the future of retiree […]


MEA Board of Directors Election Scheduled

MEA is seeking members to run for election to the MEA Board of Directors. The current directors’ terms will expire on September 14, 2011. According to MEA’s Bylaws, employees from every City department are entitled to representation on the Board. Each department elects from 1 to 4 board members depending on the size of the department and its geographical make-up. […]


President’s Message, Third Quarter of 2011

As we were happy to report back in February, Mayor Sanders abandoned his plan to sell the Miramar Landfill to the highest bidder. Yet before we could even take a moment to reflect on the process and to thank and congratulate the Environmental Services Department employees and our coalition members on a fight well fought, Sanders simultaneously announced that the […]


Retiree Health Ratification Vote a Success!

Thank you to all of the MEA members who took the time to vote on the Retiree Healthcare Tentative Agreement. It was overwhelmingly ratified by a vote of 1,526 in favor to 39 opposed, which amounts to a 97.5% “yes” vote to support the recommendation of MEA’s Negotiating Team.  We had a large turnout with approximately 45% of our eligible […]