
MEA keeps you informed of all the news and events that make a difference in your life. This section is always changing, so check it often.

Follow Up Information Regarding City’s “Tax Notice” Sent to Employees Yesterday

Yesterday, many employees received a “tax notice” from the City regarding the SPSP waiver option that has been a part of MEA’s contract with the City for the last three years.  Since the communication went out, several employees have contacted MEA complaining that the City’s message was confusing and that the real impacts of this issue are unclear based on the City’s description in the communication. […]


Update Regarding Pension Ballot Initiative

We want to provide you with the most recent correspondence between MEA Attorney Ann Smith and the City Attorney’s Office regarding the Sanders/DeMaio “pension reform” ballot initiative.  As in previous exchanges, Ann continues to demand meet and confer with MEA and questions the claim that Mayor Sanders put forth the initiative as a “private citizen,” not in his capacity as […]


MEA Negotiating Team Election—Call for Nominations

It is time to elect a new MEA Negotiating Team. This is your opportunity to directly participate in one of the most important activities of MEA—negotiating the contract that affects your wages, benefits and the overall quality of your work life. What is the Negotiating Team? The MEA Negotiating Team is made up of three representatives from each of the […]


Update from Ann M. Smith re PSC Litigation

Dear All: Greetings!  Here is the latest news in the PSC litigation. Our Complaint Filed 8/26/11 For 302 Plaintiffs As you know, we filed and served our Complaint on August 26, 2011, raising multiple causes of action or legal claims against both the City and SDCERS related to the harm you have been caused by the so-called “PSC Correction Process.”  […]


Results of Retiree Health Election

On Friday, the SDCERS Board of Trustees certified the results of the just-completed Retiree Health Benefits Election.  There were 1901 votes in favor (94%) and 119 votes in opposition (6%) of the new benefit structure previously agreed to by MEA and other City labor organizations.  (Please click here for more information and to read our previous summary of that agreement.)  Thank you […]


Pension Ballot Initiative Update

MEA continues to fight the proposed “Comprehensive Pension Reform” ballot initiative authored by Mayor Jerry Sanders and Councilmember Carl DeMaio on a number of fronts.  First, in conjunction with several other labor organizations, we remain involved in the “Decline to Sign” campaign, which educates voters being solicited to sign the initiative with accurate information about exactly what they are being […]


Second Round of Voting on Retiree Health Agreement Begins Friday, September 9

MEA Strongly Recommends A “YES” Vote Didn’t I Already Vote On The Retiree Health Agreement? Yes. Last May, MEA members overwhelmingly ratified this Retiree Health Agreement with 97.5% voting in support. In separate voting, the members of the other five (5) City labor organizations also ratified this same Retiree Health Agreement. But, as we explained at the time you ratified […]


Message from Ann Smith Re PSC Litigation

As an update to the Purchase of Service Credit (PSC) issue, we wanted to provide you with Ann’s message and legal complaint which have both been emailed to all of our PSC litigants.  If you have any questions regarding the lawsuit, please contact Lora Folsom at 619-264-6632 or psclitigation@sdmea.org (please only email her from your personal, rather than City email address). In addition to […]


City of San Diego AIDS Walk/Run Team

AIDS Walk San Diego is the region’s largest one-day HIV/AIDS fundraiser and the biggest non-governmental financial provider for HIV/AIDS in San Diego County. Dozens of agencies rely on funds raised at the annual AIDS Walk to help provide essential prevention and care programs to thousands of men, women and children living with HIV/AIDS. MEA member, Alex Hempton, is organizing a […]