
MEA keeps you informed of all the news and events that make a difference in your life. This section is always changing, so check it often.

2011-2013 MEA Board of Directors Announced

Last night, MEA’s Election Committee counted and tabulated the ballots for the Board of Directors election. Congratulations to the following members who have been elected by their workplace peers to serve on the 2011-2013 MEA Board of Directors: Business Office: Ramone Lewis City Attorney: Stephanie Clark and Francine Howell City Clerk: Tina Davis City Planning and Community Investments: Howard Greenstein […]


Special Salary Adjustments, New Classes and Title Changes. Deadline: Monday, August 22, 2011

The City Charter provides that unions or departments may bring forward requests for special salary adjustments, new classes and title changes to the Civil Service Commission. In accordance with MEA’s current MOU which will expire on June 30, 2012, MEA may bring such requests to the Commission during the current fiscal year in anticipation of having any changes recommended by […]


Board of Directors Election Ballots are Due August 10th

As a reminder, your Board of Directors election ballot is due back to MEA (9620 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 203, 92123) no later than Wednesday, August 10, 2011 (ballots received after 5pm will not be counted).  Thank you for participating in your union’s election process!  If you have any questions, please contact MEA at 619-264-6632.


Message from Ann M. Smith Re PSC Correction Process Update: MEA’s Board of Directors Authorizes Litigation As Next Step

This Message covers these topics: (1) Recapping MEA’s PSC-Related Advocacy Activities through June 2011; (2) Announcing MEA Board’s Decision on 6/28 to Authorize Litigation as a Necessary Next Step; (3) Litigation Will Be Conducted on an Individual Named Plaintiff Basis – Not as a Class Or Representative Action; (4) Getting the Word Out to MEA-Represented Retirees Who Face Particularly Devastating & Unconscionable Consequences […]


MEA Board of Directors Election Scheduled

MEA is seeking members to run for election to the MEA Board of Directors. The current directors’ terms will expire on September 14, 2011. According to MEA’s Bylaws, employees from every City Department are entitled to representation on the Board. Each department elects from 1 to 4 board members depending on the size of the department and its geographical make-up. […]


Reminder About Your SPSP Mandatory Match Waiver Choice

Your completed waiver form must be returned to the Personnel Department no later than 5pm on Friday, June 10, 2011. If you are returning your waiver to your payroll specialist, please do so immediately.  If you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact MEA at 619-264-6632.


Important Update Regarding the 2012 City Budget

We are pleased to report that significant, positive progress has been made on the Fiscal Year 2012 City budget.  As you know, the Mayor’s budget released in April proposed to slash a substantial number of City services and employee positions, most notably, the decimation of library hours and staff and recreation center hours and staff.  In all, the Mayor’s proposal […]


Important Message Regarding Two Anti-Union Petition Initiatives

We strongly urge you to NOT sign any petitions in the City of San Diego. The latest assault on workers who enjoy the benefits of a union in San Diego is here in the form of deceptive ballot initiatives that are currently being circulated for signatures.  Extremists like City Councilmember Carl DeMaio have publically said they are in an all […]


Change to Golden Share

Due to a significant drop in orders, MEA regrets to inform you that Golden Share will no longer be available on a monthly basis. However, MEA will continue to offer Share during the holiday months of November and December. While MEA will no longer host a pick up site, Golden Share is still available to you at various sites in […]