
MEA keeps you informed of all the news and events that make a difference in your life. This section is always changing, so check it often.

Video Presentation Related to the SPSP Mandatory Match Waiver Choice

*Due to filtering restrictions on City computers, the following video CAN ONLY BE VIEWED ON HOME COMPUTERS. We apologize for any inconvenience this might cause you in accessing the video.* Below is a video presentation by MEA General Manager Mike Zucchet related to the SPSP waiver choice. The video provides some context to the issue and discusses your options. Your […]


Voting Results on the Retiree Health Tentative Agreement

Thank you to all of the MEA members who took the time to vote on the Retiree Healthcare Tentative Agreement today. The Tentative Agreement was overwhelmingly ratified by a vote of 1,526 in favor to 39 opposed, which amounts to a 97.5% “yes” vote to support the recommendation of MEA’s negotiating team.  We had a large turnout with about 45% […]


Two-Part Video Presentation Related to the Retiree Health Tentative Agreement

*Due to filtering restrictions on City computers, the following two videos can only be viewed on home computers. We apologize for any inconvenience this might cause you in accessing the videos.* Below is a two-part video presentation by MEA General Manager Mike Zucchet related to the Retiree Health Tentative Agreement.  The videos are a summary of what has already been […]


Additional Information Regarding the Retiree Health Tentative Agreement

Please see the attached information from Ann Smith and your Negotiating Team regarding the Retiree Health Tentative Agreement.  This document includes some information already included in previous e-blasts on this issue, but it also includes new information and addresses many of the frequently asked questions that have come up since the Tentative Agreement was first announced.  If you read only one […]


Locations for the Ratification Vote on the Retiree Health Tentative Agreement

The ratification vote for the Retiree Health Tentative Agreement will be held this Wednesday, May 18 at the following five locations: City Concourse Silver Room 250 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.   Balboa Park Santa Fe Room 8:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.   Chollas Conference Room B 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.   SDPD Room 213 10:30 a.m. to 3:30 […]


The 2011 Ann M. Smith Scholarship Competition is Underway!

The materials for this year’s Ann M. Smith Scholarship Competition are now available by downloading the attachments to the right. In order to be eligible, the student must have a parent, grandparent or guardian who is a member of MEA. In addition, the student must be a high school senior who is scheduled to graduate (or has graduated) during the […]


More Information Regarding Retiree Health Tentative Agreement

For those of you looking for more detailed information on the Tentative Agreement between MEA and the City regarding Retiree Health Benefits, attached please find the final signed copy of the 26-page Agreement. The E-blast that went out last week was meant to summarize this Agreement, as well as to provide some legal and factual context for the deal.  We […]


Breaking News from Ann M. Smith, Mike Zucchet & MEA’s Negotiating Team: Tentative Agreement Reached on Retiree Health Benefits

Dear MEA-Represented Employees: As most of you know, MEA’s Negotiating Team has been working round-the-clock on retiree health benefits as required by MEA’s current MOU, Article 22. We made progress and suffered multiple setbacks over the past several weeks while you have all been holding your breath. It’s time to exhale. MEA has reached a Tentative Agreement with the City […]


SPSP Amendment Balloting Begins Today–SDMEA Recommends a “YES” Vote

The City is proposing to make a small but very important change to the SPSP plan document.  Such an amendment requires a vote of all plan participants. The “problem” intended to be corrected through this amendment is that the plan document currently allows tax-free “plan-to-plan” transfers from SDCERS employee accounts to SPSP accounts, but it does not explicitly allow interest earnings from SDCERS […]