
MEA keeps you informed of all the news and events that make a difference in your life. This section is always changing, so check it often.

Attention All MEA-Represented Park and Recreation and Library Department Employees: Your Union Needs You!

As most of you are aware, the Mayor’s FY 2012 Budget proposal recommends deep cuts to both Park and Recreation and the Library departments. These proposed cuts would decimate the services you currently provide to the public by cutting 77 positions in each department for a total of 154 positions! Hours at the libraries and recreation centers would also be […]


Legal Update: Purchase of Service Credits

MEA attorney Ann Smith is working tirelessly on a number of litigation and negotiation issues affecting MEA-represented employees. As most readers know, we send periodic “E-blasts” from Ann on these issues that alert employees to new information posted on MEA’s website. The article below related to “window period” Purchase of Service Credit issues is an example of the type of […]


Update Regarding PSC Issues from Ann M. Smith

Dear ALL: We all recognize that many of you continue to struggle with the aftermath of this difficult problem related to the service credits you purchased during the 2003 “window period” as a result of the City’s lawsuit and the final decision made by the Fourth District Court of Appeal in June of last year.  We continue to work on these […]


GM Mike Zucchet Speaks at Council Regarding the Mayor’s FY 2012 Proposed Budget

On Monday, April 18th MEA General Manager Mike Zucchet testified before the City Council regarding the Mayor’s FY 2012 proposed budget. To watch his presentation, please click on the following link: CC Monday – 4/18/2011 (Mike’s statements begin at 1 hour, 19 minutes and 28 seconds). Please feel free to contact MEA at (619) 264-6632 if you have any questions on […]


Message from Ann Smith Regarding the MOU Contract Extension and Retiree Health Negotiations

COUNCIL APPROVES MEA’S MOU EXTENSION FOR FY 2012 ON TERMS RATIFIED BY MEA MEMBERSHIP ON 3/22/11 On Monday, April 25, 2011, the City Council approved MEA’s contract extension for FY 2012.  The City’s Salary Ordinance for FY 2012 was also introduced on Monday and the required second reading will follow.  This Ordinance memorializes the economic concessions contained in this MOU […]


Honoring Cesar Chavez and Supporting the Next Generation of Leaders

MEA was proud to support the Chavistas at the Cesar Chavez Breakfast on Friday, March 25, 2011. The Chavistas are from Memorial Prep Academy who are a part of one of the many Cesar Chavez Service Clubs in the San Diego Unified School District. Chavistas are committed to learning the legacy of Cesar Chavez through the values he espoused, including […]


President’s Message, Second Quarter of 2011

Although the Wisconsin effort led by our union brethren did not end as we all had hoped, State Senator Spencer Coggs reminded me about the power of organizing and fighting for a worthy cause when, after having returned to Wisconsin, he said, “We gave them hope. But they gave us inspiration.” Another quote that has stuck with me is from […]


Labor Representation Quarterly Overview, January-March 2011

In the first quarter of 2011 there were a total of 62 new cases which included grievances, fact findings and disciplinary actions. In addition to working on the individual cases, MEA Labor Relations Representatives have also been busy with various departmental meet and confers and with labor management committees, including: Facilities Maintenance We have made our proposals for the Employee […]


2011 Kite Festival

MEA members Brian Anthony, Johnny Chou and the staff at the Ocean Beach Recreation Center welcomed the sunshine and slight breeze which helped to make this year’s 63rd Annual OB Kite Festival a huge success. The OB Rec. Center and the OB Kiwanis Club partner every year to bring the longest running kite festival in the United States to our […]