
MEA keeps you informed of all the news and events that make a difference in your life. This section is always changing, so check it often.

Naughts and Noteables, Second Quarter of 2011

Naughts and Noteables is a new section which features MEA member feedback about businesses and services in San Diego County. If you enjoyed a delicious meal at a restaurant, had a great experience at a dental office or found a certain mechanic to be reliable, let us know! Please feel free to provide your feedback on any establishment that deserves recognition. […]


Know Your Rights, Second Quarter of 2011

Paid Release Time to Donate Blood Many of our members are not aware that the City provides paid release time for employees who donate blood at an MEA-sponsored blood drive or when the Blood Bank issues an emergency request. According to Article 64 of the MOU, “An employee shall receive paid release time, not to exceed two hours, when he […]


General Manager’s Report, Second Quarter of 2011

Political Hysteria and Extremism Reigns…For Now Thank you again to those MEA members who came to vote on our contract extension on March 22 at one of our five ratification sites. This extension essentially continues the same level of concessions agreed to by employees during the first two years of our current contract. But given all of the ongoing budget […]


Field Inspection Section Highlight

The process of remodeling or constructing a home or commercial property can be stressful and taxing. However, Combination, Mechanical, Plumbing, Electrical and Structural Inspectors in the Development Services Department do their best to ensure that a project will meet the minimum standard of safety by performing the necessary inspections and making sure that applicable codes are adhered to. Permitting is […]


Meeting to Discuss Security System Upgrade in the City Attorney’s Office

On April 5, 2011, MEA met with management from the City Attorney’s Office to meet and confer regarding proposed changes to the department’s security system. Please read the attached document from Tanya Tomlinson for a brief summary/description of the proposed changes. A lunch time meeting has been scheduled for this Friday, April 15, 2011 from 12:00pm to 1:00pm in the […]


Retiree Health Negotiation Update

MEA’s MOU-mandated deadlines on the Retiree Health benefit negotiation with the City have been extended for two weeks.  Previously, final offers from both sides were due on April 1 with an impasse hearing date (if necessary) in front of the City Council on April 12.  The parties have now agreed that the final offers date is April 15 with a […]


Update from Ann M. Smith Regarding PSC Issues

Dear All: “Options” Letters for Active Employees: As you know from the last letter you received from SDCERS in late February, those of you who are in the “AFFECTED” category regarding purchased service credits will be getting a letter from SDCERS which outlines the “correction” options available to you and the details related to each option.  Those “Options” letters for active […]


MEA Contract Extension Ratified by Members

Thank you to all of the MEA members who took the time to vote on our contract extension ratification yesterday.  We had a great turnout and the contract was overwhelmingly ratified by a vote of 1298 in favor to 35 opposed, which amounts to a 97.4% “yes” vote to support the recommendation of MEA’s negotiating team.  The next step is […]


Reminder: Contract Extension Ratification Vote Tomorrow, Tuesday, March 22!

As a reminder, tomorrow is the contract extension ratification vote! You can vote at any of the following five locations: City Concourse, North Terrace Room 8:30am to 3:00pm MEA Office, Conference Room (9620 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 203) 7:00am to 4:00pm Balboa Park War Memorial Building, Auditorium 8:30am to 3:00pm Chollas, Water’s Conference Room B 8:30am to 3:30pm San Diego Police […]