
MEA keeps you informed of all the news and events that make a difference in your life. This section is always changing, so check it often.

MEA’s Recommendation on the SDCERS DROP Vote

Vote “No” in Upcoming DROP Benefit Elections Most of you have either already received or will soon receive “Benefits Election” materials from SDCERS related to proposed changes to the Deferred Retirement Option Plan (DROP) for all unclassified and unrepresented employees, as well as all employees represented by the San Diego Police Officers Association (POA) and AFSCME Local 127. Each proposed change to […]


PSC Update from Ann Smith for Employees who Entered DROP Before November 20, 2007

Dear ALL: As you know from prior updates, SDCERS’ outside counsel is seeking a clarification of the judgment entered in the PSC case to include those of you who had entered DROP before November 20, 2007, in the category of “retirees” who the City had excluded from the relief it sought.  If this clarification is made as requested, the effect […]


MEA Vote on our MOU Extension Set for Tuesday, March 22nd!

We are happy to announce that MEA and the City have reached a tentative agreement on an extension of our current MOU. To read the details of the contract extension which was originally emailed on February 28th, please click here. To make it a little more convenient for you to take the time out of your day to vote, we will […]


In defense of public employees: Do you know who I am?

By Eric Johnson I am the scourge of the modern era. I have been verbally assaulted in the local and national media. My utter existence has all but been criminalized. I have been accused of causing the budget shortfalls of every municipal and state government in the nation. Who am I? I am your dedicated and hardworking municipal employee, now […]


Special Message from MEA’s Negotiating Team RE: the Extension of the MOU Through 6/30/12

MEA and the City have reached a tentative agreement on a one-year extension of our current MOU through June 30, 2012.  On the Mayor’s recommendation, the City Council recently approved the terms of the extension in closed session.  The City Council’s formal adoption of the extension by Resolution will be docketed if the MEA membership ratifies the terms of the […]


MEA’s 2010 General Membership Meeting

MEA’s Membership Committee put on another great General Membership Meeting on July 29th. Members enjoyed Abbey’s Barbeque, games and crafts for the children, a drawing with great prizes and heard from special guests MEA Legal Counsel Ann Smith and Councilmember Todd Gloria. During the evening’s festivities, Ann Smith was recognized for her 25 years of service and dedication to MEA […]


Steward’s Corner

MEA stewards are leaders in the workplace who strive to ensure that fairness plays a role in all employee-management interactions. As a steward, it is my responsibility to work and fight on behalf of MEA-represented employees in matters of low level discipline, to make sure that each employee is treated fairly and that any disciplinary action is administered within the […]


Know Your Rights, Fourth Quarter of 2010

Members know to immediately contact their MEA Labor Representative when faced with a serious disciplinary action. Yet some do not call when an incident seems too minor or trivial. We highly encourage you to contact your representative, regardless of how insignificant the workplace incident seems. Under the City of San Diego’s Personnel Regulation Index Code L-2, “An employee may request […]


Fleet Services Division Highlight

In order for many of the City’s departments to efficiently function, they need reliable transportation that will get their employees to various locations throughout San Diego. This includes emergency transportation like fire trucks and police cars as well as service vehicles including utility and trash trucks. Yet little time and attention is devoted to highlighting the division that is responsible […]