
MEA keeps you informed of all the news and events that make a difference in your life. This section is always changing, so check it often.

To Sweep or Not to Sweep? San Diego’s Street Sweeping Pilot Study

By Clem Brown & Jennifer Nichols Kearns The Storm Water Department implemented a Street Sweeping Pilot Study starting in April 2008 to determine if enhanced sweeping is a cost-effective solution for reducing pollution and meeting existing and future total maximum daily load compliance targets. The two goals of the project are: 1. To determine whether different sweeping frequencies help reduce […]


2010 Ann M Smith Scholarship Winners

MEA would like to congratulate and acknowledge those students who were awarded with the 2010 Ann M. Smith Scholarship. Although the applicants differed in grade level, they all shared a passion for getting involved in their school and community in order to help and make a difference. Scholarship Committee Chair, Kyle Wiggins, remarked that “This year’s scholarship applicants were really […]


Delta Dental Representatives Address MEA Board Member Concerns

Delta Dental representatives were invited to attend MEA’s Board meeting on August 11th. The purpose of Delta’s participation was to hear from the Board regarding members’ concerns with the DeltaCare® USA DHMO plan. Issues that were discussed included certain Delta DHMO dentists who might not be adhering to the SDMEA DeltaCare 10A copay schedule, some providers not offering lower cost covered procedures and […]


Introducing Your Political Action Committee

The PAC researches political issues, develops the organization’s political strategy, interviews candidates and recommends ballot propositions and candidates for endorsement. The committee has been busy during this current election year, especially with the closely contested City Council races in Districts 6 and 8. Prior to the June primary, the PAC met with a number of candidates to discuss key labor […]


2010 MEA Officer Election Results

We would like to thank the more than 800 members who took the time to vote in the 2010 MEA Officer Election. MEA would also like to thank committee chair Lisa Goehring and all of the Elections Committee members, as well as those retirees who volunteered their time to verify and count the ballots. The results were certified on November […]


Labor Representation Quarterly Overview, October-December 2010

In October, we had 21 new cases opened, 31 cases in November and 25 cases in the first half of December. The types of cases range from fact findings, terminations, supplemental performance reports and written disciplines. There are also two Civil Service Commission appeals scheduled for January 2011. The first appeal is for a termination case for an employee accused […]


Know Your Rights, First Quarter of 2011

Confidentiality of Medical Information It is always a difficult and stressful time when dealing with an illness or health-related condition. Hopefully, you can take some comfort in knowing that the City, its officers and employees must respect the confidentiality of your medical information and must abide by the guidelines that are set forth in Personnel Manual Section J-4. According to […]


Purchase of Service Credit Update, First Quarter of 2011

As many of you already know, MEA sponsored an informational meeting at the Balboa Park Club on November 18, 2010, related to the purchase of service credit controversy. This was followed by a City Council session on November 29, 2010. At that time, representatives of SDCERS presented the Council with an update on its efforts to comply with the final […]


President’s Message, First Quarter of 2011

As most of us anticipated, this past year was filled with an array of tough decisions, difficult obstacles and a few surprises. Yet during the most challenging of times, we came together as a union and strengthened our resolve to fight for what we know is right and just. This hasn’t always been easy, especially when San Diego’s media outlets […]