
MEA keeps you informed of all the news and events that make a difference in your life. This section is always changing, so check it often.

General Manager’s Report, First Quarter of 2011

Bankruptcy Baloney There’s been a lot of talk about bankruptcy in the City of San Diego in the last five years. Most of that talk, of course, was instigated by none other than Michael J. Aguirre shortly after he was elected City Attorney six years ago. Aguirre’s political agenda was simple—feed the public the most extreme and irresponsible rhetoric possible […]


2010 Local General Election

The night of November 2nd proved to be exciting for some, disappointing for others, and inconclusive for a few. For MEA-endorsed City Council candidate,David Alvarez, the early election results left him cautiously optimistic, which then turned to elation as each electoral update put him further and further ahead. By the time all of the District 8 precincts were counted, David […]


President’s Message, Fourth Quarter of 2010

Sometimes it seems like this is never going to end. By “this” I mean the incessant attacks on our jobs, our retirement benefits, our personal integrity and on our City. After years of job cuts, pay cuts, political slug fests, and endless litigation, the morale of our City workforce is very low. For many of us, who came to work […]


City Lakes Section Highlight

Many of us have had the opportunity to enjoy a day of outdoor activities including fishing, boating, jet skiing, hiking and picnicking at one of the City’s nearby lakes. While we are enjoying a day of sun and aquatic activities, we don’t always think about the dedicated City employees who help to ensure that the water is clean, the surrounding […]


MEA and Cal-OSHA Work Together to Hold the City Accountable

Supervising Labor Representative, Nancy Roberts recently filed a complaint with the California Occupational Safety and Health Administration (Cal-OSHA) on behalf of MEA members in the City Clerk’s Office. Nancy contacted Cal-OSHA when she was notified that a leak was draining into the women’s restroom on the second floor of the City Administration Building. To address the water (or possible sewage) […]


Team of the Year 2010: The Logan Heights Branch Library Staff

With such a busy and high-profile branch, the Logan Heights Library could not function without a willing staff to go above and beyond the call of duty. Unlike other newly constructed branches, the Logan Heights Library opened under the most unusual of circumstances. In the absence of a Branch Manager, staff utilized community resources, worked as a team and overcame […]


General Manager’s Report, Fourth Quarter of 2010

The Union-Tribune recently published an opinion piece written by Mike related to the compensation of City employees. Below is the editorial in its entirety. It’s not your fault if you believe that the average San Diego city employee earns a $100,000 salary and an even larger pension when retired. For years, a few politicians and most media outlets have repeatedly […]


Where Would We Be Without Ann?

Congratulations and many thanks to Attorney Ann Smith for 25 years of service to MEA and our represented employees. Many years ago, Ann was an invited guest speaker at a conference for independent labor unions in California. The guest speakers were asked to talk a little bit about themselves and what their hobbies were. When it came to Ann’s turn, […]


Rally to Save the American Dream

The following announcement has been sent to MEA from MoveOn.org. We hope that you will join us this Saturday for a rally to show our solidarity with the people of Wisconsin. Rally to Save the American Dream In Wisconsin and around our country, the American Dream is under fierce attack. Instead of creating jobs, Republicans are giving tax breaks to […]