
MEA keeps you informed of all the news and events that make a difference in your life. This section is always changing, so check it often.

Lindquist Audit Concerning Chargeable Expenditures

Hopefully by now you have received a letter from MEA which discusses the annual audit performed by the organization’s independent auditors, Lindquist LLP. The audit is conducted each year in order to determine what percentage of expenses is chargeable to agency fee payers. The Lindquist audit determined that 96.86% of the total expenditures are “chargeable” to agency fee payers. (To […]


Video Footage from the Zucchet/DeMaio/Aguirre Debate

On Tuesday, February 8th MEA General Manager Mike Zucchet participated in a forum concerning San Diego’s finances with panel members Carl DeMaio, Michael Aguirre and Professor Alan Gin.  To watch Mike’s presentation and to see him directly question Carl on his dubious timelines and projections, please click on the video clips below.  You can also read the handout which Mike Zucchet […]


Miramar Landfill Update

To All ESD Employees: After e-blasting the video of MEA General Manager Mike Zucchet addressing the City Council’s Natural Resources Committee two weeks ago, we received a number of requests for an update on the Mayor’s process with respect to his intention to outsource the Miramar Landfill. As you know, after a significant public splash last year when the Mayor’s intentions were first announced, including […]


Purchase of Service Credit Update from Ann Smith

Dear ALL: Attached is a copy of the letter which SDCERS CEO Mark Hovey sent to Mayor Sanders upon receipt of City Attorney Jan Goldsmith’s 1/25/11 letter to SDCERS rejecting any proposed adjustments to SDCERS’ PSC “corrections” plan (as presented to the City Council on 11/29/10) — other than the potential for a clarification of the judgment entered by Judge […]


MEA GM Mike Zucchet to Debate Carl DeMaio Tuesday Night

MEA GM Mike Zucchet has been invited to participate in a forum concerning San Diego’s finances with panel members Carl DeMaio, Michael Aguirre and Professor Alan Gin. The event will take place Tuesday, February 8th from 6:30-8:30pm at the Joyce Beers Community Center in Hillcrest (1230 Cleveland Avenue, 92103). The forum is open to the public and we encourage you […]


GM Mike Zucchet Speaks at NR&C Regarding the End to ESD’s ISO Certification

On February 2nd, MEA General Manager Mike Zucchet testified before the Natural Resources and Culture Committee regarding the end to the ISO 14001 certification at the Miramar Landfill. To watch his presentation, please click on the following link (Mike’s statements begin at 1 hour, 16 minutes and 50 seconds. Natural Resources and Culture (NR&C) Please feel free to contact MEA […]


Purchase of Service Credit Update

The attached letter from City Attorney Jan Goldsmith arrived at 5:15 p.m. on Tuesday responding to the letter which MEA attorney Ann Smith and Local 127’s attorney Ellen Greenstone sent to the Mayor and City Council on January 21, 2011 (also attached).  We have many points of disagreement with Mr. Goldsmith on the issues being addressed in his letter—and they […]


MEA’s Response to the City’s Request for Mediation

Please download and read the City’s request for mediation and MEA’s letter in response. If you have any questions or encounter difficulties opening either document, please call MEA at 619-264-6632. City’s Letter Requesting Mediation MEA’s Response to the City’s Request for Mediation


City Workers Applauded for Storm Response

Please click on the following link to read a Union-Tribune article which commends City workers for their tireless efforts during the recent rash of stormy weather which brought flooding, mudslides and fallen debris. Storm Response