
MEA keeps you informed of all the news and events that make a difference in your life. This section is always changing, so check it often.

MEA Officer Election Reminder

Just a reminder to mail in your ballot for the MEA Officers election!  All active employee (not retired) MEA members should have already received a ballot and candidate information at their home address.  Completed ballots must be received via US Mail in the postage-paid return envelope included with the ballot by Saturday, Oct. 30.  If you have not yet voted, please do […]


Purchase of Service Credit Update

As promised in Ann Smith’s October 4th E-blast on the purchase of service credit (PSC) issue, we wanted to give you a brief update regarding MEA’s next steps on this matter. At MEA’s October 13 Board of Directors meeting, Ann Smith recommended and the Board agreed that an informational meeting for all affected MEA-represented active and retired employees should be held.  […]


Incorrect Last Names on Mailing Addresses for MEA Retirees

It has come to our attention that the current edition of MEA’s The Viewpoint had some mailing address errors specific to the last name of retired members.  We sincerely apologize if your last name was printed incorrectly and can assure you that we indeed have your correct information in our records.  We are investigating the problem and will work to ensure that […]


MEA Officers Election Information

Consistent with MEA’s By-Laws, the election for MEA’s President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer will be held this month.  Only MEA members (not including retired members) are eligible to vote in the election.  Ballots and candidate information will be mailed to each member’s home address by the end of this week, and members will have 15 […]


MEA Opinion Article Published in the Union-Tribune

Today the Union-Tribune published the following opinion piece written by MEA General Manager Mike Zucchet related to the compensation of City employees: By MICHAEL ZUCCHET Thursday, October 7, 2010 It’s not your fault if you believe that the average San Diego city employee earns a $100,000 salary and an even larger pension when retired. For years, a few politicians and most media […]


Managed Competition Ratification Update

Thank you very much to those of you who took time from your day last Tuesday to vote on the Managed Competition Guide Ratification.  Nearly 600 MEA members came to the Silver Room downtown or MEA’s offices in Kearny Mesa to vote. 96% of you voted “yes” to ratify the tentative agreement recommended by your negotiating team. The agreed upon […]


Update to DROP Benefit Election

As a follow up to an e-blast we sent a few weeks ago, MEA wants to alert its members that SDCERS (www.sdcers.org) has postponed the DROP Benefit Election at the request of the City. On September 2, MEA wrote you to advise a “NO” vote on the election (please click on the following link to read the original article https://www.sdmea.org/city/vote-no-in-upcoming-drop-benefit-election/ ). […]


Reminder: Managed Competition Ratification Vote Tuesday

All MEA members are reminded that tomorrow, Tuesday September 21, is the ratification vote for the proposed Managed Competition guide. For more information about the vote, please see our message from last week by clicking on the following link: (here) Voting will be held at two locations: Silver Room San Diego Concourse 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. MEA Office Boardroom […]


Purchase of Service Credit Update

MEA would like to thank everyone who took time out of their busy morning to attend and testify before the PSC Ad Hoc Committee on September 16th. SDCERS will hold one more hearing on the issue on October 1, at which time the full SDCERS Board will be voting to take action on the PSC issue.  To hear MEA General […]