
MEA keeps you informed of all the news and events that make a difference in your life. This section is always changing, so check it often.

Notice of MEA Officer Election

It is time once again for Officer elections at MEA. Article V of MEA’s By-Laws detail the regulations that govern our union’s elections. Those regulations call for the announcement of procedures to be used to nominate candidates. If you qualify and would like to run for office, please contact MEA at 619.264.6632 and we will send you a nominating petition. […]


MEA Blood Drive 2010

MEA was proud to support the San Diego Blood Bank by hosting the 13th Annual MEA Blood Drive. Countless members came out to show their support and to give the gift of blood. The blood drive was held on June 8th, 9th, 10th and 15th at six different locations to make it easier for MEA members to take time out […]


General Manager’s Report, Third Quarter of 2010

Election Update MEA’s Political Action Committee had a busy election season in June, as half of the San Diego City Council seats were up for election. MEA made endorsements and, for the first time ever, independent expenditures on behalf of our endorsed candidates in each Council race. All MEA-endorsed candidates either won outright or finished in the top two and […]


Public Utilities Employees Do Their Part to Support Local Youth

MEA members working for the Public Utilities Department are known for being a dedicated and hard working group. Yet even with the many demands of their jobs, they still find opportunities to donate their time and resources to others. One way that Public Utilities employees give back is by participating in the Partnerships in Education Program through the San Diego […]


Labor Representative Cases, Third Quarter of 2010

Getting Your Vacation Time Approved MEA Senior Labor Relations Representative Gwen Phillips represented an employee who was recently denied vacation time. The employee had initially sent an email in December to notify her supervisor that she would be requesting time off at the end of March. The employee then submitted her leave slip on February 12th. As a supervisor herself, […]


Know Your Rights, Third Quarter of 2010

What is in Your Personnel File? It is always disheartening when an employee receives a letter of counseling or a letter of warning or formal reprimand. It is important to note, however, that in most cases these disciplines can be removed from the employee’s permanent record. According to Article 37, Section B of MEA’s MOU, “Formal reprimands without further penalty […]


Introducing Your Membership Committee

The Membership Committee is responsible for welcoming and reaching out to new members who join our union family. The Committee does so by educating them on the history of the union, explaining how they can get involved and providing a description of the services and benefits MEA offer its members. The committee is also responsible for organizing and facilitating the […]


Engineering and Captial Projects Department Highlight

When you notice improvements to a library or recreation center, water and sewer lines being replaced or traffic-calming measures in your neighborhood, you might not associate the projects with any specific City division. Yet there’s a good chance that the Engineering and Capital Projects (E&CP) Department is involved in this effort to improve and enhance your neighborhood. E&CP provides a […]


Update Regarding the Purchase of Service Credit Case

Update Regarding the Purchase of Service Credit Case This message is in follow-up to our recent e-mail messages related to the Fourth District Court of Appeal’s decision in the case between the City and SDCERS over service credits actually purchased or for which an application for purchase was submitted during the period of August 15, 2003, through November 1, 2003. […]