
MEA keeps you informed of all the news and events that make a difference in your life. This section is always changing, so check it often.

MEA Officer Nominating Petition

It is time once again for Officer elections at MEA. Article V of MEA’s By-Laws detail the regulations that govern our union’s elections. Those regulations call for the announcement of procedures to be used to nominate candidates. If you qualify and would like to run for office, please download the attachment to the right or contact MEA at 619.264.6632. All […]


Update from Ann M. Smith Regarding the Purchase of Service Credit Case

Dear All: This message is in follow-up to my last e-mail messages in late June related to the Fourth District Court of Appeal’s decision in the case between the City and SDCERS over service credits actually purchased or for which an application for purchase was submitted during the period of August 15, 2003, through November 1, 2003. At its July […]


June 2010 Election Night Coverage

Like most important elections, June 8th was an event filled with excitement and anticipation. A small group of MEA representatives, including First and Second Vice Presidents Bob Cronk and Jan Lord and MEA staff member Cathleen Higgins, spent the day lending their support to MEA-endorsed candidates Howard Wayne in San Diego City Council District 6 and David Alvarez in District 8. […]


San Diego Fire Rescue Department Highlight

When an emergency takes place, the first to arrive on the scene tend to get the credit. Yet often the unsung heroes are the dispatchers who assist and support the callers, all while simultaneously sending the necessary emergency teams out. Time and again, the dispatchers are the crucial element in the life-saving process. In the early years, calls to the […]


Introducing Your By-Laws Committee

In order to determine exactly what the Bylaws Committee is all about, we need to take a look at the definition of “bylaws” from Webster’s Dictionary. “Bylaws (n.) are the written rules for conduct of a corporation, association, partnership or any organization. Bylaws generally provide for meetings, elections of a board of directors and officers, filling vacancies, notices, types and […]


National Dispatchers Week 2010

MEA would like to thank all of its dispatchers in Police, Fire and Environmental Services who serve as the first and most critical link between the public and emergency services. Those that respond to an emergency rely on the dispatcher’s concise and accurate information in order to provide appropriate and often life-saving services. Dispatchers perform their duties and tasks in […]


MEA Comes to You: January’s MOU Distribution a Big Hit

MEA Board members and staff enjoyed meeting and talking with members during the numerous site visits to distribute your MOU for Fiscal Years 2010 and 2011. We hope it allowed you to take a short break from your busy workday to enjoy some pizza and/or donuts and to speak directly with your MEA leadership and union colleagues. We greatly appreciate […]


Labor Representative Cases, Second Quarter of 2010

Written Reprimand Removed from MEA Employee’s File MEA Senior Labor Relations Representative Kelly Cruz represented a 22 year City employee who was facing serious discipline due to an alleged violation of Administrative Regulation 90.62 – Email and Internet Usage. After the supposed violation took place, the member’s Deputy Director and Department Director orally counseled the employee on his lack of […]


Know Your Rights, Second Quarter of 2010

Recently, a member was told that they could not exercise their right to utilize Tuition Reimbursement due to budget shortfalls, even though the employee had followed all of the proper procedures. Administrative Regulation 70.30, Section 2.1 states the following: “Eligible employees will be reimbursed for 100% of tuition and mandatory fees, and for textbooks and supplies under certain conditions, up […]