
MEA keeps you informed of all the news and events that make a difference in your life. This section is always changing, so check it often.

Labor Representative Cases, First Quarter of 2010

SUCCESSFUL CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION DISCIPLINARY APPEALS Terminations Reduced to Suspensions Without Pay MEA Senior Labor Relations Representative Kelly Cruz represented a 24 year City employee and Labor Relations Representative Marin Mejia represented a 20 year employee who were both facing termination due to alleged violations of the City’s Threat Management Policy found in Administration Regulation 97.10. Prior to the hearing, […]


Budget Negotiations Finalized—Layoff Notices Likely Coming to Affected Employees This Week

As you are aware, in December the City Council voted to approve the Mayor’s proposed 18-month budget plan to close the City’s $179 million budget deficit. The plan called for more than $100 million in “one time” non-personnel cuts, as well as the elimination of hundreds of unfilled employee positions and approximately 200 filled positions (layoffs) Citywide. MEA representatives have […]


MEA’s Letter Regarding Substantive and Legal Problems with the City’s Budget in PD

Many of you have requested a copy of the letter we sent to the City last week and referenced in our earlier e-mail which provided an update on the status of our meet and confer negotiations.  Please click on the following link (Letter to City) to read the letter that went to the Mayor, City Attorney and Independent Budget Analyst.  […]


Budget Meet and Confer Update

On Friday January 15, MEA’s negotiating team spent four hours negotiating with the City about its budget plan, with the majority of the time being spent on the Library and Police Department budgets. For Library, we made a formal counter proposal to the Department’s proposed new schedules for both the branches and central, consistent with the majority view of Library […]


Distribution of MOUs (Fiscal Years 2010 and 2011)

MEA is happy to announce that the City has finalized (finally!) your MOU handbooks for Fiscal Years 2010 and 2011. The printed MOUs codify what was already agreed to and ratified last year, but it takes the City a significant amount of time to complete the City Council actions related to the MOU and to print the booklets. An electronic […]


Library Personnel Meeting

All MEA-represented Library personnel are invited to join us for a planning meeting in advance of further meet-and-confer negotiations with the City .  The meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 5 at 6:00 p.m. at MEA’s offices (9620 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 203 in Kearny Mesa).  Pizza and soda will be served. The purpose of the meeting will be to […]


E-News Blast for the Week of Dec. 14th

City Council “Tentatively” Approves Budget Cuts: On Monday, December 14th, the City Council voted once again to approve Mayor Sanders’ proposed 18-month budget plan. The budget closes a projected $179 million deficit through a combination of one-time savings, service cuts and the elimination of hundreds of employee positions, both filled and vacant. Thank you very much to those who worked […]


What Happened Yesterday at City Council and What Happens Next…

Thank you all very much for your presence and incredibly compelling testimony in front of the City Council yesterday. Unfortunately, as we discussed in our meeting at MEA on Tuesday morning, we were essentially fighting a “done deal” and were not able to affect any change in the Mayor’s proposed budget in PD. However, the City Attorney and Council also […]