
San Diego Municipal Employees Association

January 2025 Newsletter

Message from President Michele Chicarelli

Hello MEA Members,

Happy 2025! I hope that the holiday season treated you well.

In this edition of the MEA Newsletter, there are updates from the last couple of months and a report on current activity, including good things, like the MEA Holiday Party, the newly passed legislation for members who qualify for Social Security benefits, salary increases for MEA-represented classifications, and the start of the new benefits year with the improved services under some of the MEA-negotiated benefits.

We also include updates about challenging things such as the budget consequences of the defeat of the City’s sales tax ballot initiative, Measure E.

Please read on and remember to reach out to MEA when you have questions about wages, hours, and working conditions, or other issues impacting your work at the City.

In solidarity,

Michele Chicarelli, President, MEA Board of Directors

Social Security Fairness Act Becomes Law

Over the holidays, the U.S. Senate voted overwhelmingly to effectively increase Social Security benefits for about 3 million federal, state and local public sector workers – including City of San Diego retirees and future retirees – who are eligible for Social Security benefits because of credits earned working for other employers during their lifetime.

President Biden signed the Social Security Fairness Act into law at the beginning of January and the law now needs to be implemented by the Social Security Administration.

Read more about the law in the MEA Eblast sent to members on December 23.

Negotiated Salary Increases and Benefits Improvements

Salary Increases for MEA-Represented Classifications

On January 1, all MEA-represented positions received a 2% General Salary Increase (GSI) and another 5% GSI is scheduled for July 1.

These are part of the terms under the current, historic Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) reached with the City after a multi-year advocacy campaign to achieve more competitive pay and benefits for MEA-represented employees.

A number of MEA-represented classifications also received Special Salary Adjustment (SSA) on beginning on January 1. For more details about the GSIs and SSAs, please see Article 21 – Salaries, in the MOU.

Under the law, as your union, MEA negotiates wages, hours, and working conditions (including benefits). When you have questions or concerns about what’s happening in your workplace, please reach out to your MEA Labor Relations Officer.

New Benefit Year, More Services Included

On January 1, the new benefits year began, including improvements to the Sharp Select health plan and the MEA MetLife Dental Plan.

Under the current MOU, the amount the City contributes to your FBP Credits increases every December 1 for you to use in the new benefits year (see Article 28 of the MOU for details).

As your union, MEA wants to help ensure that there is affordable, quality healthcare available for you and your family. We do this by protecting and improving the amount going into your FBP Credits and also by working with MEA’s Benefits Administrator, SDPEBA, to keep the Sharp Health Plan, MetLife Dental, and VSP Vision plans as affordable as possible while also improving their coverage based on what you need.

This year, the improvements include:

  • MetLife Dental PPO insurance covers more – up to $2250 annual maximum benefit.
  • Sharp Select Health Plan now covers up to 20 chiropractic and/or acupuncture visits per year.

And don’t forget last year’s improvements:

  • MEA VSP Vision plan covers progressive lenses for the first pair of glasses.
  • Night guards are covered under the MetLife Dental Plan.
  • Rady’s Children Hospital was added as in-network for the Sharp Select Health Plan.

Unsure of how to make the most of your benefits?

Measure E and Potential City Budget Impacts

For decades, the City has faced a structural budget deficit, where the many sources of revenues that come to the City do not cover the cost of ongoing services to residents. In November, City of San Diego voters were asked if they would increase the sales tax paid within the City by one cent per every dollar spent, or a 1% increase. This was Measure E.

While the City has the lowest sales tax rate in the County, and one of the lowest in California, Measure E still lost by a razor thin majority, with 50.3% of City of San Diego voters saying NO and 49.7% voting YES. Out of more than 573,000 votes cast, Measure E fell just 3,500 votes short of passage, mainly due to what the Voice of San Diego said was, “the stunning lack of interest in voting” overall.

Measure E would have generated an additional $400 million annually in general fund revenue to the City. Unfortunately, there are consequences to this decision by the voters, and the Mayor and City Council must now navigate those impacts by right-sizing (cutting) the City’s expenditures to match its revenues.

MEA has been in constant communication with the Mayor and Council on the best path forward, and we will continue to engage at every level throughout the budget process.

MEA strongly believes that the City can address its budget challenges WITHOUT laying off employees. MEA’s advocacy related to the budget (cutting services, cutting vacant positions, raising revenue, etc.) is provided with the thought of minimizing/eliminating the need for layoffs specifically in mind.

With that said, we are aware of rumors and “information” floating around the City and in some media outlets speculating that layoffs are coming. Please don’t listen to those rumors and know that decisions related to the City’s budget have not yet been made. The Mayor and City Council will ultimately make those decisions during a budget process that will play out over the next several months and beyond.

MEA will continue to engage in that process going forward and will continue to update you as decisions are made and reliable information becomes clearer. For questions, more information, or to discuss this or any other issue, don’t hesitate to reach out to MEA at or 619-264-6632.

MEA Holiday Party

The MEA Holiday Party was a very special event this year. The new venue surpassed expectations and the food, ambiance, and raffle prizes were wonderful.

We are looking forward to returning to the Mission Valley Marriott for the 2025 Holiday Party. See you there in December!

Check out the fun by viewing the Holiday Party photos on the MEA website!

Discount Tickets for MEA Members

Looking for more fun for you and your family? MEA has discount tickets!

  • Check out the latest releases in the theater with discounted movie tickets available for sale at the MEA Office.
  • Find discounted tickets to theme parks and local attractions like the Zoo & Safari Park, water parks, aquariums, and more.
  • See live theater productions with MEA discounts with the award-winning local theater companies, The Old Globe, Cygnet Theater, and La Jolla Playhouse.

For more information and to access tickets, visit the MEA website.

Have Questions? Need Assistance?

Contact Your MEA Labor Relations Officer!

MEA Labor Relations Officers are experts in the workplace laws, rules, regulations, and policies that apply to you, whether City, state or Federal, and that’s only the beginning of what they can help you with.

Get the assistance and information you need to protect your job and succeed in your career at the City.

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