
San Diego Municipal Employees Association

July 2024 Newsletter

A Message From MEA President Michele Chicarelli

It’s summertime and that means MEA social events are in full swing. I hope to see you at one of the MEA Night at the Padres games or the Summer Picnic.

As a union, we have also been hard at work enforcing our MOU wins and protections, safeguarding member rights, and advocating for what MEA members need. As an MEA member, you have a voice in the workplace and the support you need to use it.

This quarterly newsletter shares announcements, updates, and reminders to keep you informed and our union strong. MEA is all of us and we are stronger together.

Please read on and I hope you enjoy!

In solidarity,

Michele Chicarelli, MEA President


July 1 - General Salary Increase

We are happy to remind you that on July 1 you received an additional 4% General Salary Increase. This is the third pay raise of this new contract, following a 5% increase last July 1, 2023 and another 5% increase just six months ago on January 1, 2024. The final two increases of this contract will come with another 2% raise on January 1, 2025, followed by an additional 5% increase on July 1, 2025.

And remember, on July 1, the new fiscal year started and with that, each eligible employee accrues 24 hours of Discretionary Leave (3/4 and 1/2-time employees receive pro-rated hours) and a Floating Holiday.

None of these were easy to secure. MEA’s entire leadership team, staff and legal counsel have all been single-minded in waging a multi-year advocacy campaign to achieve more competitive pay and benefits for MEA-represented employees. These pay increases are the welcome and well-deserved result of MEA’s relentless efforts.

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MEA Summer Picnic, Saturday, July 20th

The MEA Summer Picnic is back, bigger and better than ever! Come join us for summer fun! The response from members has been great and we are almost at capacity. Check your email or visit the MEA website for details.


City Budget: MEA’s diligent work protects City services and employees.

The City budget faced enormous challenges this year and the Mayor and Council had to make difficult decisions.

In the past, when faced with similar budget shortfalls, Mayors and City Councils balanced the budget on the backs of City employees with wage and hiring freezes and employee layoffs. MEA’s vigorous political action efforts over the last 10 years have helped elect City leaders that take a different view, and together we have begun to reverse the harm and build back the City staff needed to provide essential services and infrastructure.

What’s next? The City’s structural deficit isn’t solved. The budget that started on July 1 was balanced only temporarily, using one-time funds and making precision cuts where necessary. If the City cannot find new sources of revenues, the budget that starts July 1, 2025 will be a different story. Stay in touch with MEA to see what you can do to help protect City services and infrastructure by ensuring the City has the revenue it needs to get the job done.

MEA Summer Events Kick Off with the First MEA Night at the Padres!

Friday, June 21 was the first MEA Night at the Padres game this year and we had a great time!

MEA President, Michele Chicarelli, threw out the first pitch and it was right over the plate! Congratulations Michele! Thanks for representing us to the nearly sold-out crowd at Petco Park.

Did you attend? Check out the photos in the gallery on the MEA website! Photos for the July 12th game will also be posted on the website.

Don't Forget - Member Benefits

MEA Discount tickets

Summer is the time for theme parks, water parks, the Zoo and Safari Park, seeing the latest movies, and more. As an MEA member, save on all your summer fun with discount tickets available at our office and through our website.

For more information, visit the Discount Ticket page on the MEA website.

And stay tuned for an e-blast detailing exciting NEW discounts for MEA members at local performing arts venues!

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San Diego Public Employee Benefits Association

For many years, MEA Health and Welfare Benefits has provided you with great options and service. They are now bringing that same quality, affordability, and responsiveness to more union members as the San Diego Public Employees Benefit Association (SDPEBA). They are still MEA, but more.

Contact SDPEBA with questions about your Sharp Health Plans, MEA Vision, MEA Dental, and the many other benefits available to you like AFLAC, pet insurance, etc.

For more information, visit the SDPEBA website.

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Have Questions? Need Assistance? Contact Your MEA Labor Relations Officer!

MEA Labor Relations Officers are experts in the workplace laws, rules, regulations, and policies that apply to you, whether City, state or Federal, and that’s only the beginning of what they can help you with.

Get the assistance and information you need to protect your job and succeed in your career at the City.


Find Your Labor Relations Officer