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Board Meeting Notes, First Quarter of 2010

MEA Announcements:

The Executive Committee consists of the five officers (President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary) and six at-large members elected from the Board of Directors. The six at-large members below were elected to a two year term at the January 2010 Board meeting:

Mark Chrysler-Development Services, Bill Craig-Miramar Landfill Ops, Lisa Goehring-Public Utilities, Francine Howell-City Attorney, Steve Ramirez-Environmental Services, Greg Woods-Treasurer.

The Adopt-a-Senior gifts were presented by Councilmember Todd Gloria at a ceremony in the lobby of the City Administration Building on December 18.


President – Tony Ruiz III

Tony presented a list of accomplishments for 2009 which included:

MEA’s budget was trimmed over $300,000 and member dues were reduced by approximately 11%.

MEA’s Negotiating Team negotiated a two year contract containing cuts but, members were able to choose how those cuts would be accomplished.

The General Membership meeting in September celebrating all retirees was well attended and a great meeting.

MEA hired a consultant, conducted a nationwide search and hired a new General Manager, Mike Zucchet. We are confident that MEA will move forward.

MEA is close to an agreement on the Managed Competition Guide. The City and MEA were sent back to the bargaining table by the City Council at the impasse hearing. All MEA is seeking is a level playing field in regard to healthcare and contract oversight.

General Manager – Mike Zucchet

In December, the City Council voted to accept the Mayor’s 18 month budget including the drastic cuts to MEA represented positions. Approximately 129 MEA represented, filled positions are slated to be eliminated.

MEA will continue to Meet and Confer over the affected positions. MEA is the only bargaining unit that has not signed off on the budget.

MOUs will be distributed between January 20th and February 26th.

MEA’s leadership and staff will be visiting worksites around the city to distribute MOUs.

The MOU and distribution dates are on MEA’s website.

Tuition reimbursement is a negotiated benefit guaranteed in the MOU and can not be denied due to a lack of money in the department’s budget. Members are to call MEA if their department denies their tuition reimbursement.

Flex benefits will now be appearing on the pay stub as earnings, then as a pre-tax deduction. Take home pay will be less due to the 2010 tax table adjustment.

Municipal Employees AssociationCommittee Reports

Finance – Candi Mitchell, Treasurer

As of the November monthly summary, MEA is under budget

Blood Drive – Steve Ramirez, Chair

Tentative dates for the Blood Drive are June 8, 9, 10 and 15. The committee will also be looking at possibly having quarterly 1-day drives or teaming up with another group, radio station, etc.

Social and Recreation – Francine Howell, Chair

SHARE pickup for January is Saturday, January 30 at Penn Athletic Field.

Communication – Bill Craig, Chair

Met with Jon Hayes regarding the make-over of the website. The website facelift should occur close to March 1.

Health & Welfare – Bob Cronk, 1st Vice President

Currently there are no applications for assistance

Please call MEA (619-264-6632), a Board member or Bob to report members who are hospitalized, have babies, etc.