DSD/Planning LMC Update
The DSD/Planning Labor-Management Committee met On January 17, 2017 and on February 21, 2017. We discussed the following issues:
- Move to new building (former SEMPRA Energy building located at 101 Ash Street) – Staff representatives on the LMC are anxiously waiting to see the floor plans for the new building. With the City’s decision to lease-to-own, the entire building will be taken up by City employees. The department expects to move towards the end of this calendar year. It is anticipated that DSD’s Development Services Center will occupy the first two floors for plan-check, plan-review, permits, submittal, etc. Those two floors will be remodeled to accommodate the needs of the DSC. The remaining floors have yet to be finalized. The department has contracted with a planning/design firm (Gensler) to work out the floor plans, using the furniture left by SEMPRA as much as possible, to abide by the A.R. pertaining to office space and achieve the most efficient use of space. A committee of volunteers from across all areas of DSD and Planning will be meeting with the Director and representatives from Gensler within the next few weeks to review these floor plans in DRAFT form. MEA will also attend. The staff representatives will be considering the needs of their fellow employees and the work they do to provide feedback and input into the final layout and design of the new offices. Because employees will continue to use the Parkade for parking, concerns were raised about the safety and visibility of the pedestrian crossing at A Street/2nd Ave and A Street/1st Ave. MEA will work with the City to ensure employees and customers are able to cross safely. The department will provide more information at the all-Staff Meeting on April 21, 2017, and we will continue our monthly discussions and provide updates as much as possible.
- Accela update – Accela is on track to go live by the end of May. Training should be expected in the month or so leading up to the go-live date. There will be more information provided along with a demonstration of the program at the all-Staff Meeting on April 21, 2017.
- Rewards & Recognition – DSD continues to improve and expand the department’s Rewards & Recognition Program. They are currently seeking ways for supervisors to recognize and reward employees on their own. Budget is a factor, but the department is looking into obtaining tangible items like mugs, cups, bags, etc. to use as rewards. DD Elyse Lowe reported that the participation in the R&R Program has been very high, and the department is excited about that. MEA often uses DSD’s R&R Program as an example when we are asked by other departments about what we recommend.
Our next LMC Meeting is scheduled for March 21, 2017.