Labor Representation Quarterly Overview, April-June 2011
There were a total of 32 cases opened in the months of April and May (June totals were not yet available at the time of print). There have also been a number of grievances, fact findings and disciplinary actions.
During the second quarter, Labor Representatives have been busy with Dispatchers Week, Purchase of Service Credit meetings, phone calls, budget hearings, Labor Management Committees and Retiree Health negotiations.
Meet and Confer:
Meet and confer on the suspended alternate work schedule in Water and the new security system in the City Attorney’s Office were finalized. Additionally, the pepper spray policy for Code Compliance Officers was distributed.
We continued to meet and confer regarding the impacts of the Delivery Services BPR. If the BPR is approved by the City Council, the Auto Messengers and one Senior Clerk from the Police Department, Library and downtown CAB will move into a centralized organization at 20th and B Street. MEA was successful in getting three Auto Messenger positions restored.
Labor Representatives have answered numerous questions about the Retiree Health agreement and the SPSP Waiver/Furlough form, attended the Benefits Open Houses and have assisted with City Budget work in their respective departments.
Senior Labor Relations Representative Kelly Cruz will be involved in the upcoming meet and confer process for the Publishing Services Department. We are happy to report that City employees in that department won the bid in the first managed competition process held under the procedures outlined in the guide.
We were recently notified by the Labor Relations Department that 14 positions from Purchasing and Contracting will be transferred to Engineering and Capitol Projects. The shift is a result of the centralization and reorganization of the contracts function. We will be meeting with both departments and Labor Relations for additional information and will meet and confer to address the impacts (if any) on the employees’ working conditions.