

It is time once again for Officer elections at MEA. Officer positions are President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. Article V of MEA’s Bylaws details the rules that govern our Union’s elections. Those rules call for the announcement of procedures to be used to nominate Officer candidates each August in even numbered years.

In order to qualify as a candidate for MEA President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Treasurer or Secretary, you must be a MEA member for the last 12 months and have completed either 1) two full terms on the Board of Directors or 2) one full term on the Board of Directors as well as one full term as a member of the Negotiating Team.

The election will take place online in October, and successful Officer candidates will serve a two-year term beginning in November.

Candidates for an Officer position may be nominated by having at least ten MEA members sign their nominating petition. If you qualify and would like to run for office, please contact Dawn Kealaluhi at dkealaluhi@sdmea.org and we will send you a nominating petition. All petitions must be received by MEA before 12:00 noon on Friday, September 6, 2022.

All candidates will be notified as to the status of their application prior to ballots being prepared. At the October 2024 Board of Directors meeting, the Elections Committee will report to the Board regarding the eligibility of all applications. At this meeting, candidates will also be given the opportunity to address the Board of Directors.

As always, if you have any questions or need further information on this or any other subject, email MEA at info@sdmea.org or call us at 619-264-6632.